Monday, August 24, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Similarities between Ballet and Hip Hop
Chapter by chapter list Introduction Similarities Differences Conclusion Introduction Dance is and consistently will be a type of articulation where the developments performed say a lot of the feelings and emotions that the artist is attempting to give to the crowd. The interesting part of move is that it isn't restricted to an appointed imperative or structure yet rather adjusts to the sort of music that is being played which therefore has made a bunch of various move structures mirroring the plenty of accessible music on the planet today.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on Similarities among Ballet and Hip Hop †Comparative Essay explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More What must be seen however is that similarly as various renditions music must pass on various messages so to do various types of move depict various sentiments and feelings. So as to more readily comprehend this idea an assessment of differences is expected to explain exactly how unique yet comparable certain styles of moving are to one another. To this end Hip jump and artful dance have been picked because of the undeniable contrasts in their way of passing on feeling and inspiring responses from different crowds. It is really an uncommon sight for crowds of either type of articulation to collaborate and much rarer still to see them inside a similar territory anyway this is absolutely why the two styles of move were picked, for it is in their differentiations that make them divergent that the conspicuousness of their likeness becomes exposed. It depends on this that this paper expect that regardless of their innate contrasts in style both hip bounce and artful dance contain comparative credits with regards to exactness developments and their capacity to recount to the account of a tune through development and body cadence. What should initially be comprehended is that regardless of the suppositions of this paper, hip bounce and artful dance are still natur ally various styles of move. At the point when an individual performs artful dance their body follows a specific stream, moves gently in exact understanding with the music with severe adherence to shape and style. Hip bounce then again has no especially unmistakable style, in reality the premise of this specific type of move is in ad lib where artists create move moves and examples as they see fit. In the event that artful dance is a delicate type of moving including sensitivity, hip bounce is a hard type of articulation utilizing unstable developments. It is on this premise this paper will expound based on the structures and styles used in the two kinds of move and will separate exactly how comparable and distinctive both specific techniques for move are to one another. Similitudes Emotion, unadulterated feeling and articulation, this is premise of the style of expressive dance, each real development, each effortless advance, jump and raised appendage, the entirety of this is done to pass on some type of message to the crowd. While many may accept that the ballet performer only moves alongside a tune it must be comprehended that the tune itself is only complimentary, what must be watched is how the developments stream, on the off chance that they are intended to depict desire, pity or demurity.Advertising Looking for paper on craftsmanship and plan? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It must be noticed that the human body is in actuality equipped for various kinds of real articulation which can all be deciphered in any way ways. Expressive dance exploits this by using non-verbal communication as a methods for recounting to a story without words. The tunes, foundations and outfits all add to working up the story anyway it is the ballet performer that is the genuine narrator. Then again artful dance is additionally done to dazzle, exact developments, amazing musicality and timing just as slight aerobatic exh ibition are completely done so as to engage the crowd. In actuality artful dance isn't just a type of articulation yet additionally a type of amusement that is intended to attract swarms for a benefit. Similarly Hip bounce is additionally founded on sheer crude feeling; its developments however pass on the baser parts of feeling, for example, outrage, the requirement for opportunity and wildness anyway they pass on feelings none the less. Similarly as artful dance is exact in its developments and musicality so too is Hip jump, one present day case of this can be found in the Step Up film arrangement where Hip bounce artists move together under a similar mood, communicate through their moving and let the music praise what they do rather than their moving commending the music. Like expressive dance Hip jump exhibitions are likewise intended to intrigue and engage crowds during different occasions to likewise make a benefit. Contrasts The natural distinction between the two styles lies exclusively with the way that one promoters outright congruity while the different energizes act of spontaneity and redefinition, this obviously alludes to artful dance and Hip bounce separately. What should initially be comprehended is that the each type of move created under an alternate sort of culture. In the way of life of Hip jump redefinition, entertainment, and impromptu creation are at the core of this move style because of actuality that that impersonation is profoundly disapproved of in Hip bounce culture. For them, inventiveness and uniqueness characterized the use of styles with every exhibition really being somewhat or even dissimilarly not quite the same as what preceded. This is done for the sake of guaranteeing that specific move numbers are done in way where they generally appear to be unique, that they are not dependent on impersonation and that they are the sole formation of the individuals who move them. Expressive dance then again is about congruity, exhibitio ns done on one night must be equivalent to the following night and the night after that. For old style artful dance moving it isn't about impromptu creation and inventiveness rather it is the improvement of ability to its peak through sheer dull activity. The improvement of immaculate structure, flawless effortlessness and impeccable strides, to give the ideal execution again and again is the thing that artful dance endeavors to do. While there are sure ad libs done, these are moderately minor when contrasted with way in which the style appears to continue rehashing itself. In this reiteration a ballet artist can create himself/herself into a figure of total elegance and magnificence. While Hip jump can be viewed as steady shock and advancement artful dance is viewed as the accomplishment of the outright peak in beauty and fluidity.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on Similarities among Ballet and Hip Hop †Comparative Essay explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Conclusion Based on the discoveries of this paper it very well may be seen that while Hip bounce and artful dance may have inborn contrasts in the aim and focal point of their different move developments the reality remains that they are still naturally comparable in their longing to communicate and engage. While it is as yet not exactly plainly got, exactness and composed developments that can be seen in both artful dance and Hip jump obviously have a comparative intrigue to the human detects. Maybe it is in the non-verbal communication, development styles or sheer cadence, in any case the two styles of move are the equivalent in their capacity to engage and confer a message through their developments. This capacity is unmistakably unique when contrasted with couples dancing since there doesn't appear to be any message that traditional dancing is attempting to give to a crowd of people and in truth instead of the melody commending the artist, for this situation the artist is praising the tune. This is the reason artful dance and Hip jump are so comparable, they can pass on messages different types of move can't; only they can utilize their bodies to weave stories, evoke solid reactions, cause fervor and pressure and generally significant of all engage crowds past minor body developments and knee jolting. This article on Similarities among Ballet and Hip Hop was composed and put together by client Destiny Odonnell to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; notwithstanding, you should refer to it appropriately. You can give your paper here.
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Psychoanalyst Sabina Spielrein Biography
Psychoanalyst Sabina Spielrein Biography History and Biographies Print Sabina Spielrein Biography One of the First Female Psychoanalysts By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Updated on May 12, 2018 More in Psychology History and Biographies Psychotherapy Basics Student Resources Theories Phobias Emotions Sleep and Dreaming Sabina Spielrein was a Russian doctor and one of the first female psychoanalysts. She is also known as Carl Jungs patient and student and was rumored to have had a romantic relationship with Jung. Spielrein was the first woman to write a psychoanalytic dissertation. No ashes, no coal can burn with such glowas a secretive loveof which no one must know.â€" Sabina Spielrein, from her diary, February 22, 1912 Early Life Sabina Spielrein was born in Rostov-on-Don, Russia, on November 7, 1885, into a wealthy Jewish family. Her father, Naphtul Arkadjevitch Spielrein, was a successful businessman and her mother, Emilia (Eva) Marcovna Lujublinskaja, was a dentist. Her maternal grandfather and great-grandfather were rabbis who had arranged Emilias marriage to her Jewish husband. While the household was strict and at times even abusive, her parents placed a heavy emphasis on education and Sabina grew up speaking Russian, German, French, and English. Spielrein, Jung, and Freud In 1904 at the age of 19, she was admitted to the Burghölzli mental hospital in Switzerland, apparently suffering symptoms of what was then known as hysteria. She became a patient of psychoanalyst Carl Jung who described her as voluptuous with a serious, dreamy expression. Spielrein remained at the hospital until 1905. Spielrein was evidently the reason Jung initially reached out to Sigmund Freud. Jung had learned about Freuds techniques and in 1906 he wrote a letter to the famous psychoanalyst to ask for advice about a challenging case involving a young Russian woman. The rest, as they say, is history. Jung and Freud soon became friends and intellectual confidants and Jung frequently corresponded with his colleague about Sabina. Spielrein is the person I wrote you about, Jung wrote to Freud in a letter on June 4, 1909. She was, of course, systematically planning my seduction, which I considered inopportune. Now she is seeking revenge. Lately, she has been spreading a rumor that I shall soon get a divorce from my wife and marry a certain girl student, which has thrown not a few of my colleagues into a flutter... Spielrein served as a recurrent topic of their discussions and likely contributed to the early development of psychoanalysis. In addition to his dialogues with Freud, Jung also wrote case studies focused on Sabina. Relationship With Jung Spielrein became Jungs laboratory assistant and later entered medical school where she studied psychiatry at Jungs suggestion. Today, many believe that Spielrein and Jung also became romantically involved, although the extent of the relationship has been debated. These suggestions are based on the letters exchanged between the two as well as Sabinas own journal entries. Letters between them indicate intense emotional and intellectual involvement. While some suggest that the relationship was purely emotional, historian, and psychoanalyst Peter Loewenberg argues that the affair was sexual and therefore a breach of Jungs professional ethics. According to Loewenberg, the relationship jeopardized [Jungs] position at the Burghölzli and led to...his departure from the University of Zurich. Career and Later Life In 1911, Sabina graduated from medical school and began her own psychoanalytic practice during the relationship with Jung. The relationship had been going on for several years until Jung determined that his involvement with Spielrein was detrimental to his career and ended the affair. Spielrein moved to Vienna, Austria, in 1911 and joined the Vienna Psychoanalytic Association. In 1912, she married a Russian physician named Pavel Scheftel and later had two daughters, Irma Renata in 1912 and Eva in 1924. At some point, Scheftel left her and fathered a child with another woman before returning to his wife along with the daughter from the other relationship. After working in Germany and Switzerland, Spielrein eventually returned to Russia and played a critical role in introducing psychoanalysis there. During the 1930s, Spielreins husband died and her three brothers, Isaak, Emil and Jean, were all killed during Stalins reign of terror. In 1942, Sabina and her two daughters were murdered by a German death squad along with thousands of other citizens of Rostov-on-Don. After her life was cut tragically short, her contributions to psychology were largely forgotten for many years. During the 1970s, her papers and the letters she exchanged with Jung were uncovered and published. Contributions to Psychology Through her relationship with Jung, Sabina Spielrein had a direct effect on the development of psychoanalysis, as well as the growth of Jungs own ideas and techniques. However, it would be wrong to suggest that this was Spielreins only contribution to psychology. She was the first person to introduce the idea of the death instincts, a concept that Freud would later adopt as part of his own theory. In addition to introducing psychoanalysis to Russia, Spielrein also influenced other thinkers of the time including Jean Piaget and Melanie Klein. Spielreins full legacy may not yet be fully realized. While she wrote thirty psychoanalytic papers in French and German, many have not yet been translated. The oblivion into which Spielrein has fallen is remarkable. She was a major figure in the development of the psychoanalytic movementâ€"and a rare woman in that field, suggests Karen Hall of the Jewish Womens Archive. One can only hope that more of her story will be discovered and that more research will focus on the work that Spielrein did personally. She faced many obstacles, both because she was a woman working in a predominantly male profession and because she was Jewish during a period of violent antisemitism. Her tragic death cut short a life of promise. Spielrein in the Arts Sabina has recently become the subject of books, films, and plays, including: A Secret Symmetry: Sabina Spielrein Between Freud and Jung, a 1982 book by Aldo CarotenutoA Most Dangerous Method, a 1993 book by John KerrSabina, a 1998 play by Snoo WilsonIch hieß Sabina Spielrein (My Name was Sabina Spielrein), a documentary made in 2002 The Talking Cure, a play written in 2003 by Christopher HamptonSabina Spielrein: Forgotten Pioneer of Psychoanalysis, a published in 2003 that includes extracts from Sabinas diary and letters exchanged with Jung A Dangerous Method, a 2011 film starring Keira Knightley as Spielrein
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
William Shakespeare s King Lear - 1480 Words
Introduction William Shakespeare wrote the play of â€Å"King Lear†in 1986. This is a typical play of human coarseness and vengeance. The play challenges the audience through the contradiction of the goodness and primordial evil of a man. Many characters in this play demonstrate the tendencies of virtuous or vicious throughout the play. There are many themes in the play, but the most prevailing relates to the subject of justice. Shakespeare demonstrates this thematic deception of themes through instances of legal, divine, poetic justice and ultimately an erroneous sense of justice. Poetic justice is a literally device, which attempts to define the suitable retribution to vice or virtue of a character. The poetic justice is portrayed in the†¦show more content†¦This is seen in act one, scene one, where he asks, â€Å"which of you doth love us most†(Shakespeare I.1). The audience can conclude that Lear is merely blind to the reality. He loves Cordelia more than the other da ughters. He also values Goneril and Regan due to their submissiveness over genuine sense of devoted duty of Cordelia. Lear makes a mistake of letting his daughters rule the kingdom. He makes this mistake and fails to learn from it. He does not recover from saneness to emerge as a better ruler. However, his values change over time in the play. Lear realizes his weakness and triviality in relation to the remarkable force of the natural sphere. He eventually becomes a meek and a caring person. Gloucester Gloucester is a patrician devoted to King Lear. However, one thing that the audience learns about him is his adulterous behaviour. He fathered a bastard lad known as Edmond. The fate of Gloucester is similar to that of King Lear. This is because Gloucester miscalculates which of his kids to trust. Gloucester appears weak and incompetent at the beginning of the acts. This is when he fails to prevent King Lear from being turned out of his homestead. However, Gloucester proves that he is also adept of being a great heroism in the later acts within the play. Edgar Edgar is the older and legitimate son of Gloucester. He plays a number of significant roles in the play of King Lear. He begins as an
A Review of A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking Free Essays
The field of Science, particularly cosmology or the physical science concerning the history and evolution of the Universe, is truly an interesting and remarkable subject matter. However, understanding and eventually appreciating the significance of the said discipline are another aspects. Hence, it is valuable that such field is introduced, explored, evaluated and fully realized in both analytical and fascinating ways. We will write a custom essay sample on A Review of A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking or any similar topic only for you Order Now This is because it is only under such circumstances that a complicated matter like Science, specifically the facts relating to the creation and development of the Universe, is simplified and ultimately recognized of its purpose and essence. Presented with such situation, it is now practical to ask how can people and the society in general is able to simplify a complex and apparently an intriguing field like Science. In particular, the challenge of effectively presenting the historical account and all the essential details about the beginning and evolution of the Universe may be difficult to achieve. This is where a non-traditional approach to the field is necessary helpful. That is, the technicalities of the origin and eventual development of the Universe are presented in ways understandable to lay people or the non-scientific public. The successful transformation of Science, from a complicated to a simple field or subject, manifests the undeniable effectiveness on the part of a person or material that aimed to modify Science or the study of the Universe. The said condition was the efficient effort undertaken by theoretical physicist and author Stephen Hawking in his 1988 book â€Å"A Brief History of Time.†The said literary work succeeded in presenting the field of Science, particularly the circumstances regarding the start of the Universe, in a manner only true physics is able to do and provide. Apart from such strict scientific presentation however, the author and his book are best to be acclaimed for the ability to illustrate, explain and eventually made people understand the topic in simple manner. The important scientific features of the book definitely serve as its assets but it is therefore one’s impression especially towards the simplicity of the book that makes the material ultimately valuable. Valuable Features At the onset, the important features of the Hawking book rely on its strict adherence to the scientific creation and evolution of the Universe. As far as true-blooded physicists are concern, â€Å"A Brief History of Time†offers little or even nothing new details and insights about the study of physical science, the Universe in particular. For people who are new or unfamiliar especially those who are totally oblivious of the said subject matters, the book however definitely serves as a valuable material. In fact, Hawking through his book provides a venue where readers are comforted in their search for answers to scientific questions. This is because the technicalities of the topics featured in the book were presented and explained in ways understandable to ordinary people. The features of the book include a general and wide look at the major concepts or theories on the field of theoretical physics. The book also features clear-cut presentations and explanations of complicated topics concerning the study of Physics like the origin of the Universe. Additionally, the author engages in attractive approach as the book shows inviting illustrations all throughout (Hawking, 1988). Specifically, the Hawking book features several valuable scientific topics. These include the Big Bang Theory, the law of gravity, black holes, time quality, light cones and answers to a string of scientific theories that even physicists have long been searching for. The book’s clear presentation of deep science or the technical circumstances of the origin of the Universe and other physics-related concepts, in effect, shows the effectiveness of the author in the field that he masters. Through these features, the book succeeds in its purpose to strictly focus on key scientific topics. While the book presents the origin of time through the image of tortoise at the start, such attempt paves the way for the realization that people indeed learn about science because of its historical perspective (Hawking, 1988). Valuable Impression The relevance of the book is apparent for it enables the readers to leave valuable impression or feeling towards the content and significance of the material. On a personal note, â€Å"A Brief History of Time†allows me to have a glimpse of the historical evolution of the Universe or the field of theoretical physics in general. The book offers real physics in a manner that is understandable to both science-oriented people and non-scientists. Beyond such effort, my important view and impression about the book is all about its effectiveness in simplifying the field of science to an ordinary reader like me. It is definitely important that a science material like the Hawking book strictly observes or follows the fundamentals of science. However, the public is fortunate enough that the material simplified the field and its concepts for a non-science person like me to understand and realize. Simply put, the value of this book is the author’s ability and effectiveness in presenting and explaining scientific ideas like the origin and evolution of the Universe in simple as well as more perceivable and appreciating manners. Hence, beyond the book’s technical approach and scientific adherence, it is its efficient modification of a rather complex subject matter that leaves a person with worthy impression of the book. Conclusion Analyzing a book like Hawking’s â€Å"A Brief History of Time†is truly worthy of one’s time and effort. This is because reviewing the book makes one to recognize the significance of scientific concepts and most importantly, the usefulness of making a material easy or understandable to a non-scientist reader. The vital features of the book are the initial factors why one will be absorbed in reading it further. Aside from these however, it is a reader’s impression or feeling about the book that makes one realizes more its value. That is, the fact that the book effectively simplified a complicated field is an ultimate factor in making a material valuable in the study and appreciation of the origin of the Universe. Reference Hawking, S. (1988). A Brief History of Time. New York: Bantam.  How to cite A Review of A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking, Essays
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Solving the problem of low capital at alpha retailers
Introduction A business plan is a well organized document that shows the road map that the business will take so as to start or continue expanding. In some cases, business plans are wrongly drafted and this results in problems when running the business. In this work, ways of resolving low capital base for the alpha retailers are analyzed and evaluated.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Solving the problem of low capital at alpha retailers specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Client The client is called alpha retailers; the company is a start up business that has been established and it deals with the distribution of products to consumers. After starting the business, the managers realized that the capital set out to run the business is not enough. The client now wishes to solve the problem of lack of enough capital within the business. To develop solutions geared towards solving this problem, the researcher conducted a situations analysis, developed tactics to solve these problems and ways of implementing and monitoring the success of the business. Objectives The main objective of this work is to formulate solutions through which the Alpha retailers can use so as to gain enough capital. Currently, the business is faced by the problem of the lack of enough capital due to poor business planning. This has seen the business exhaust its startup capital. Situational analysis The first step will be to perform a situational analysis of the business. This will entail a critical evaluation of the alpha retailers. To check the company’s internal and external performance, a SWOT analysis was carried out. SWOT analysis entails the examination of the business in terms of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Strengths and weaknesses relate to the internal environment of the business while the opportunities and threats relate to the external environment. Strengths: the business wil l be examined to determine its strengths. These include superior technologies, capital, experience in the field, having good competent workers and innovations. The business will be evaluated so as to identify these strengths. Weaknesses: the business will be analyzed in order to identify the weaknesses the business faces. These include poor technology, lack of capital and small incompetent workforce.Advertising Looking for critical writing on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Opportunities: these are the positive factors that promote the development of the business. They include a large customer base, good legal and regulatory framework, positive culture, good political climate, and government subsidies (Barney 87). Threats: these are external factors that will affect the development of the business negatively. They include superior technology processed by the competitor, low market demand of the product on sale, seasonal and weather effects. Audiences The main stakeholders that will be involved in this problem solving: The company management: they will be involved in the formulation of appropriate strategies The company employees: they will be involved in the implementation of the strategies developed The project manager: he/she will help the company formulate appropriate strategies and tactics so as to get enough capital. Strategy In order for the business to perform well, there is a need to develop strategies to enable the company raise its capital base (Protiviti 3). The following are the main strategies that will be adopted Borrow loans: in the short run, the business should borrow capital from financial institution and banks. Before borrowing the loan, the company should prepare an adequate business plan so as to convince the financiers to award the loan Market the company to investors: this will entail the development of a good business plan which will be used to market the co mpany to investors. The management will identify people who can invest in the business and become shareholders Venture capital firms: this is an equity financing strategy where investors raise capital for the business and in return the get a stake at the business. The management will liaise with venture capital firms who will not only assist in raising the capital for the business but also provide strategic, market and management expertise to the alpha business.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Solving the problem of low capital at alpha retailers specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Aggressive marketing: the working capital of the business can be increased by increasing the net profit which can be used to develop the business. The business should increase their marketing and sale promotions activities so as to increase the sales volume and subsequently the profit and the working capital. Capital reinvestm ent: since this business is a small start up business, the company can monitor the cash inflows and outflows and most of the profits can be reinvested back to the business. Use of more personal saving: the company can increase its capital revenue by asking the principle owners to contribute more money towards they business venture Factoring all costs and excepted cost in the future: one of the major failures in business is failure to identify all the fixed and variable expenses so that they can be factored in the financial plan. This will prevent cases where extra cost result in reduction in capital. Tactics Reducing cost: in order to prevent excessive spending, the company management should look for ways through reducing costs such as checking employees and their productivity so as to get rid of any unproductive employees. The management should also look at the operations, productivity, distribution channels so as to identify methods of reducing costs. Motivate employees and manage ment: in order to improve the sales, the company should motivate employees and the management team to ensure that they perform at their best. This will increase sales and raise capital in the long run. Check customer feedback: it is important for the business to monitor the customer feedback so as to respond to any negative feedback. This will ensure that the company’s customer base and hence the capital in the long run.Advertising Looking for critical writing on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Improve the business culture: the management should improve the business culture so as to get long term benefits and improve their sales as well as the customer base. Calendar budget The budget entails the amount that will be used to institute that changes that will result to increase in sales. ACTIVITY PRICE $ Meetings with all stakeholders 5000 Sales and marketing activities 2500 Public relations 3000 Long term loans and debt financing 50000 Equity financing 60000 Totals 120500 The entire process will be carried out within one week. The main activities are shown in the Gantt chart below: Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Situational analysis Developing appropriate strategies Training the management Looking for investors and debt financiers Evaluations Evaluations After developing and implementing the different strategies, it is imperative that the progress is tracked so as to ensure that there is a positive growth an d that the capital base increases. Various methods will be used to evaluate the success of the adopted strategies. The main evaluation methods are: Increase in capital: it is expected that they will be an increase in capital. This can be noted after evaluating the account books such as the balance sheet. Increase in sales: the success of the adopted strategies can be evaluated from the sales record of the company. Greater sales will definitely result in the increase in the profits as well as the working capital Increase in borrowed capital: if the proposed strategies are implemented, the amount of money generated as debt capital and equity capital is expected to increase. Works Cited Barney, Jay. Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage. USA: Addison-Wesley. 1996. Print. Protiviti . â€Å"Improving working capital management process.†The bulleting 4.11(2011): 1-6. Print. This critical writing on Solving the problem of low capital at alpha retailers was written and submitted by user Molecule Man to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Investigation on Effects of DOPA pH on Enzyme Activity Essays
Investigation on Effects of DOPA pH on Enzyme Activity Essays Investigation on Effects of DOPA pH on Enzyme Activity Paper Investigation on Effects of DOPA pH on Enzyme Activity Paper How do the different pH buffers affect activity of potato enzyme/extract? Introduction: Proteins are polymers that are made up of smaller units/monomers called amino acids. There are 20 different types of amino acids, thus make up many different combinations in types, numbers of amino acids as well as their orders an explanantion for why there are so many proteins. Every protein, due to various reactions of amino acids to each other, have its own three dimensional structures and therefore, function (Reece JB and others 2011). Proteins are fundamental substance that perform various range of metabolism in the organisms body such as fghting pathogens, sending signals, catalyzes reactions, storing substance, or acting as building blocks of body parts (Reece JB and other 2011). Proteins are grouped into four structures includin primary, secondary, tertiary, and quarternary. Primary structure of protein is composed of a single chain of amino acid without any foldings (The Medical Biochemistry Page, 2013). However, most proteins are active under secondary, tertiary, or quarternary structures. These strucures involve foldings due to he attachment between amino acids including hydrogen bonds, disulfide bridges, and Van de Waals force (The Medical Biochemistry Page, 2013). Proteins could be denatured due to the effects of temperature or PH. A decrease in pH level causes the environment surrounding to have a more positive charge while an increase in pH level causes the surroundings to have a more negative charge. (Aune, Salahuddin, Zalengo and Tanford 1967). Enzyme is a type of proteins that, by decreasing the activation energy needed for a chemical reaction, can therefore gives a start to that chemical reaction. Either atabolic or anabolic reactions need an enzyme to occur (Reece JB and others 2011). Every enzyme has an active site (Reece JB and others 2011). Enzymes metabolism occurs as enzyme binds to a substrate, which is specific to its enzymes structure and function, to form an enzyme2 subtrate complex (The Medical Biochemistry Page, 2013). As an enzyme binds to its substrate, the enzyme slight changes shape. (Reece JB and others 2011) Enzymes are denatured due to changes in temperature and pH as other types of proteins are. A slight change in pH away from the proteins optimal pH level can cause huge loss to he activitiy of an enzyme. In a strong basic or acidic pH solution, enzymes are denatured quickly and lose their functions. For most proteins, the optimal pH is around 7. 2 and 7. 4 (University Leipzeig, 2013). In this experiment, the enzyme activity (which is included in the potato extract) is measured in DOPA of pH 6. 8 and of pH 5. 0. If enzyme activity is measured in environment of DOPA pH 6. 8 and DOPA pH 5. 0, enzyme activity will be higher in DOPA environment that the enzymes are introduced in are shifted away from its optimal pH, causing denaturation and lowering enzyme activity, resulting in lower enzyme ctivity comaring to DOPA pH 6. . Materials and Methods: Gloves and goggles were always on over the course of this lab. Potato extract and four 15mL conical tubes were obtained. One was labeled phosphate buffer and 5mL of 0. 1M phosphate buffer was added in. Another one was labeled dH20 and add 5mL of distilled water. Another conical tube was labeled DOPA 5. 0 and add 3mL of DOPA pH 5. 0. The last one was labeled DOPA 6. 8 and add 3mL of pH 6. 8. Everything was kept on ice until needed. Spectrometer was calibrated followed inspectors instruction. Then 4 cuvettes were obtained. For the first cuvette, 2mL of DOPA 6. and 100pL of enzyme were added (enzymes should always be put last into the cuvettes). This cuvette was then placed in the spectrometer and spectrometer was used to measure enzyme activity. When absorbance data reached 200s in spectrometer, this cuvette was removed. The second cuvette had 2mL of 3 distilled water and 100pL of enzyme added in it and was placed into the spectrometer to measure enzyme activity until it reaches 200s. 2mL of distilled water and 100pL of DOPA 6. 8 was added into the third cuvette. It was then placed in the pectrometer to get measures for enzyme activity. th cuvette had 2mL of DOPA 5. 0 and 100pL of enzyme added in it and was placed into spectrometer to get measurements as for the first three cuvettes. When the experiment is finished, the waste was disposed properly. Results: Through the course of this experiment, the effects of different pH levels on enzyme activity. was examined. It was found that enzyme activity under DOPA of pH 6. 8 was higher than enzyme activity in DOPA of pH 5. 0. The percent change of Dopachrome formed for 50s of the experiment was calculated along with the overall percentage hange of Dopachrome formed (Figure 1). These calculated results were greater for enzyme activity in pH 6. 8 than Percent change of Dopachrome formed (%) that in pH 5. 0. 73. 7 80. 0 70. 0 60. 0 50. 0 40. 0 19. 7 20. 9 20. 0 5. 9 10. 0 0. 0 PH 6. 8 PH 5. 0 PH of DOPA 50S -100S 100S 1 50S -200S 50s-200s (Total change) The Effects of Different pH on Enzyme Activity Figure 1: The Effects of Different pH on Enzyme Activity 4 Discussion: The purpose of this experiment was to examine the effect of different pH of DOPA on activity of enzymes. Percentage change of Dopachrome formed was calculated. The hypothesis for this experiment was stated that the enzyme activity would be higher in DOPA pH 6. 8 than that in DOPA pH 5. 0. This hypothesis was supported. Percent enzyme in DOPA pH 5. 0, meaning that the enzymes in pH 6. 8 work better than those in pH 5. 0. This likely happens due to the effect of enzyme denaturation. Since most enzymes have optimal pH of 7. 2 to 7. 4 (University Leipzeig, 2013), enzymes are denatured in pH 5. 0 because the environment pH was away from its optimal pH for activity. A decrease in pH level causes a more postive charge to the environment Aune, Salahuddin, Zalengo and Tanford 1967), causing the solution to be too acidic for this enzyme that causes the enzyme to lose its shape, leading to inability to function (Reece JB and others 2011) Several random sources of errors and inconsistences could have involved throughout the experiment including inappropriate storage conditions for enzymes and DOPA, errors in conditioning pH of DOPA, uncertainty of solution conditions such as temperature or light, or unreactive enzyme. Systematic error that could have existed was bits of solution remains in transfer pipet and couldnt be fully tested. Future experiments could be conducted to investigate closely on changing the type of enzyme using or the amount of enzyme added or DOPA added could also be changed. Changing pH level to pH 8, pH 10 or changing temperature could also be extensions for future experiment. However, for any experiment that would be conducted, there is a simple rule which follows: moving away from optimal condition for an enzyme decreases that enzymes activity. Literary Cited Aune KI, Salahuddin AH, Zalengo MA, Tanford CH. 1967. Evidence for Residual Structure in Acid- and Heat- denatured Proteins. J. Biol. Chem. 242 (10): 4486 4489. Reece JB, Urry LA, Cain ML, Wasserman SA, Minorsky PV, Jackson RB. 2011. Campbell Biology, 9th edition. San Francisco: Pearson Education, 1263p. The Medical Biochemistry Page [Internet]. Updated July 21, 2013. Michael W King. [Updated July 21, 2013; cited October 28, 2013]. http://themedicalbiochemistrypage. org/protein-structure. php Universitat Leipzeig [Internet]. Updated 2013. Dr. Thole Zuchner. [Updated 2013; Cited October 22, 2013]. Avaiable from uni-leipzig. de/uspdu/docs/Protein%20guide_Storage_Working. pdf 6
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Battle of Valmy in the French Revolutionary Wars
Battle of Valmy in the French Revolutionary Wars The Battle of Valmy was fought September 20, 1792, during the War of the First Coalition (1792-1797). Armies and Commanders French General Charles Franà §ois DumouriezGeneral Franà §ois Christophe Kellermann47,000 men Allies Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick35,000 men Background As revolutionary fervor wracked Paris in 1792, the Assembly moved towards conflict with Austria. Declaring war on April 20, French revolutionary forces advanced into the Austrian Netherlands (Belgium). Through May and June these efforts were easily repulsed by the Austrians, with the French troops panicking and fleeing in the face of even minor opposition. While the French floundered, an anti-revolutionary alliance came together consisting of forces from Prussia and Austria, as well as French à ©migrà ©s. Gathering at Coblenz, this force was led by Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick. Considered one of the best generals of the day, Brunswick was accompanied by the King of Prussia, Frederick William II. Advancing slowly, Brunswick was supported to the north by an Austrian force led by the Count von Clerfayt and to the south by Prussian troops under Fà ¼rst zu Hohenlohe-Kirchberg. Crossing the frontier, he captured Longwy on August 23 before advancing to take Verdun on September 2. With these victories, the road to Paris was effectively open. Due to revolutionary upheaval, the organization and command of the French forces in the area were in flux for most of the month. This period of transition finally ended with the appointment of General Charles Dumouriez to lead the Armà ©e du Nord on August 18 and the selection of General Franà §ois Kellermann to command the Armà ©e du Centre on August 27. With the high command settled, Paris directed Dumouriez to halt Brunswicks advance. Though Brunswick had broken through the fortifications of the French frontier, he was still faced with passing through the broken hills and forests of the Argonne. Assessing the situation, Dumouriez elected to use this favorable terrain to block the enemy. Defending the Argonne Understanding that the enemy was moving slowly, Dumouriez raced south to block the five passes through the Argonne. General Arthur Dillon was ordered to secure the two southern passes at Lachalade and les Islettes. Meanwhile, Dumouriez and his main force marched to occupy Grandprà © and Croix-aux-Bois. A smaller French force moved in from the west to hold the northern pass at le Chesne. Pushing west from Verdun, Brunswick was surprised to find fortified French troops at les Islettes on September 5. Unwilling to conduct a frontal assault, he directed Hohenlohe to pressure the pass while he took the army to Grandprà ©. Meanwhile, Clerfayt, who had advanced from Stenay, found only light French resistance at Croix-aux Bois. Driving off the enemy, the Austrians secured the area and defeated a French counterattack on September 14. The loss of the pass forced Dumouriez to abandon Grandprà ©. Rather than retreat west, he elected to hold the southern two passes and assumed a new position to the south. By doing so, he kept the enemys forces divided and remained a threat should Brunswick attempt a dash on Paris. As Brunswick was forced to pause for supplies, Dumouriez had time to establish a new position near Sainte-Menehould. The Battle of Valmy With Brunswick advancing through Grandprà © and descending on this new position from the north and west, Dumouriez rallied all of his available forces to Sainte-Menehould. On September 19, he was reinforced by additional troops from his army as well as by the arrival of Kellermann with men from the Army du Centre. That night, Kellermann decided to shift his position east the next morning. The terrain in the area was open and possessed three areas of raised ground. The first was located near the road intersection at la Lune while the next was to the northwest. Topped by a windmill, this ridge was situated near the village of Valmy and flanked by another set of heights to the north known as Mont Yvron. As Kellermanns men began their movement early on September 20, Prussian columns were sighted to the west. Quickly setting up a battery at la Lune, French troops attempted to hold the heights but were driven back. This action did buy Kellermann sufficient time to deploy his main body on the ridge near the windmill. Here they were aided by Brigadier General Henri Stengels men from Dumouriezs army who shifted north to hold Mont Yvron. Despite the presence of his army, Dumouriez could offer little direct support to Kellermann as his compatriot had deployed across his front rather than on his flank. The situation was further complicated by the presence of a marsh between the two forces. Unable to play a direct role in the fighting, Dumouriez detached units to support Kellermanns flanks as well as to raid into the Allied rear. The morning fog plagued operations but, by midday, it had cleared allowing the two sides to see the opposing lines with the Prussians on the la Lune ridge and the French around the windmill and Mont Yvron. Believing that the French would flee as they had in other recent actions, the Allies began an artillery bombardment in preparation for an assault. This was met by return fire from the French guns. The elite arm of the French army, the artillery, had retained a higher percentage of its pre-Revolution officer corps. Peaking around 1 PM, the artillery duel inflicted little damage due to the long distance (approx. 2,600 yards) between the lines. Despite this, it had a strong impact on Brunswick who saw that the French were not going to break easily and that any advance across the open field between the ridges would suffer heavy losses. Though not in a position to absorb heavy losses, Brunswick still ordered three assault columns formed to test the French resolve. Directing his men forward, he halted the assault when it had moved around 200 paces after seeing that the French were not going to retreat. Rallied by Kellermann they were chanting Vive la nation! Around 2 PM, another effort was made after artillery fire detonated three caissons in the French lines. As before, this advance was halted before it reached Kellermanns men. The battle remained a stalemate until around 4 PM when Brunswick called a council of war and declared, We do not fight here. Aftermath of Valmy Due to the nature of the fighting at Valmy, the casualties were relatively light with the Allied suffering 164 killed and wounded and the French around 300. Though criticized for not pressing the attack, Brunswick was not in a position to win a bloody victory and still be able to continue the campaign. Following the battle, Kellermann fell back to a more favorable position and the two sides began negotiations regarding political issues. These proved fruitless and the French forces began extending their lines around the Allies. Finally, on September 30, Brunswick had little choice but to begin retreating towards the border. Though the casualties were light, Valmy rates as one of the most important battles in history due to the context in which it was fought. The French victory effectively preserved the Revolution and prevented outside powers from either crushing it or forcing it to even greater extremes. The next day, the French monarchy was abolished and on September 22 the First French Republic declared. Sources: History of War: Battle of ValmyBattle of Valmy
Friday, February 14, 2020
Contemporary Utopia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Contemporary Utopia - Essay Example Grube and Reeve (328b) in their description of Plato’s Republic, propose other utopia related ideologies such as abiding peace, strict government structure and high levels social equality. The community under investigation for utopian ideas, in this case, is Los Angeles based Ashram West. Ashram West’s utopian ideologies can be discerned from a wide array of elements, ranging from the community’s name to its practices. For instance, if directly interpreted, the word ashram means a place of religious retreat. Further, Ashram West seeks to provide refuge for gay-identified individuals, offer enlightenment services to the community and bolster spirituality of diverse people. Evidently, this gay spiritual residential area entwines religious, philosophical, administrative and sociological utopian ideologies as discussed further hereunder. Ashram West was conceived in the year 1997 by an individual known as William, and later incorporated as a nonprofit organization (NPO) in the state of California. The establishment is currently situated in the Silver Lake area of Los Angeles, and occupies a large apartment with one bedroom. The organization is affiliated to the Southern California Vedanta Society, thus explaining its religious connections to Hinduism and Buddhism linked Tantra teachings. Further, Ashram West is legally sanctioned as a religious establishment, meaning that the community affiliates uphold its religious teachings. The community does not hold any form of prejudice against people from varying races, countries of origin, sexuality and social status, among other distinguishing elements. In regard to membership, Ashram West is always open for new affiliates. Other aspects of interest within this community include mode of leadership or government and social practices. In consideration of leadership and decis ion making, members select an individual to lead them on the basis of
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Marketing Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6500 words
Marketing - Term Paper Example The main strength of the Wild planet is the quality and the product pricing. All the products of the Wild Planet’s are tested several times before they come to the market for sales. The internal strength of the company is the idea generation team. They have a tremendous branding and marketing strategies which attract the kids as well the parents towards the brand. Mattel: Mattel is the market leader in the United States. While the Mattel acquired the third largest toy manufacturing company Tyco Toys Inc in 1996, the company became extremely confident over the future performance. The Barbie and the Hot Wheels are the two show stoppers in the toy market. However, the companies combined sales represented only 19 percent of the total American Toy market. (Snyder, 2002, p 14) The Mattel Inc is a giant company in the toy industry. It is rated as the biggest toymakers in the world. The main strengths are the two brands and they are the Barbie and Hot Wheels. The company’s sales are being driven by these two brands. However, Soul Mate is in manufacturing innovative toys and they don’t manufacture small scale models of cars. Mattel is a threat to any toy manufacturing company as the deep financial pockets can allow them to buy any company in the toy industry. Mattel is a big company with a global exposure. However in the United States kids are boarded with the same old Barbie and Hot Wheels cars and may be that is the reason it contributes only 19 percent in the total sales of toys in United States. The new product idea is not that strong. From the above analysis it is very clear that the Wild Planet is the main competitor for the company. To differentiate soul Mate from its competitor it is very vital to understand the strength and weakness of the competitor. The business strategy of the Soul Mate and that of the Wild Planet is more or less same. The Wild Planet sells the innovative toys like Soul Mate and some of their products are Spy gadgets, Spy
Friday, January 24, 2020
Explorations of Modernity and Excitement in Two Poems: The Teachers an
Poems- ‘The Teachers’ and ‘In Mrs Tilscher’s Class’ I am going to be comparing two poems, ‘The Teachers’ by Liz Lochhead and ‘In Mrs Tilscher’s Class’ by Carol Ann Duffy. The two poems talk about the same thing, which is teachers, but in different ways and the way that the poems' structures are created for the reader. Both the poems recall parts of their school days and talk about memories of teachers they once had. Carol Ann Duffy talks about her fond memories of a teacher she once had, saying about how playful her school day was, she uses ‘skittle of milk’ to describe the joy of being able to have milk, also, she relates many parts of the poems to toys, including her teacher, ‘Mrs Tilscher’, who made many of their lessons more playful and at the end of the day it would leave her happy. On the other hand Liz Lochhead concentrates on the description of what happened in school and the characters of her teachers. On lines 5- 6 she says ‘Wars were bad but sometimes necessary’, this could represent the fact that the poem was written during or after the war era, she could also be talking about classroom wars, for example ‘wars of the sexes’. She chooses to start the poem on a really dull note; this could be because she may not have felt any em otions towards her school life or her teacher and peers. This dreary start makes the rest of the poem bland, with no detail of emotions, leaving it plain and basic to the reader. In the first stanza of ‘In Mrs Tilschers Class’ Duffy, starts it with ‘You could travel up the blue Nile with your finger†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢, even though the blue Nile isn’t blue, its like she remembers the start of the day as being perfect, but whilst everyone knows that the water in the blue Nile is actually ... ...e last line of the poem would make us think even though they are going into a newer school habitat and age, they still are growing up and they will find out things that they never knew and are able to learn more even though that there are dangers on the way. Also the line could mean that they are now leaving Mrs Tilschers Class and now their lives may become dangerous without her. Overall, I think that both the poems are good, but Lochheads is lacking the excitement that school can bring. Both the poems are similar to each other, but ‘In Mrs Tilschers Class’ is more modern than ‘The Teachers’ which many have been set in the war era, meaning everything was in short supply during the school day. Lochheads poem doesn’t make you feel any emotion, but Duffys makes you feel what she is feeling as a child, which I think makes it a more interesting poem to read.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Indigenous Religions Essay
(1) In chapter 2, the textbook author uses various terms for â€Å"indigenous religions†: traditional, aboriginal, indigenous, tribal, nonliterate, primal, native, oral, and basic. Select four or five of these terms and discuss why you believe each of those terms is applicable to the religions covered in this chapter. (2) Why do so many indigenous religions have such a reverence for nature? Indigenous religions have such a reverence for nature because they have deep respect for Earth. It has strong spirit, and lots of item that could contain spirit. Mother Nature offered them so much land to love and to do a favor back in return and shows their love to her. Nature is a living energy to some people belief the same as people. The word indigenous refers to land and earth as well, which involved nature itself. (3) Discuss several of the sacred practices that are common in indigenous religions. Some several sacred practices that are common indigenous religions are that they do are having dances around the fire. They sometime huddle together and do some kind of sacrifices or ceremony to show their holy respect for their belief. (4) Discuss the state of indigenous religions today. Short Answer Questions (2 points each): (5) What is animism? (6) In general, what is the relationship between the human and animal worlds among indigenous religions? (7) How do indigenous religions, in general, select their â€Å"sacred spaces†? (8) How are ancestors viewed in most indigenous religions? (9) What â€Å"big events†in life are usually marked by ceremonies in indigenous religions? (10) What is a taboo? What are some examples of taboos in our modern culture, and are they religious or cultural in nature? (11) What is a shaman, and what role does the shaman play in indigenous religions? Shaman is a scholar who help guide people on their spiritual journey.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Global Warming And Sea Levels - 1992 Words
Throughout recent history, our planet’s climate and environment has slowly been changing due to the many effects of global warming. Unfortunately, global warming has been an ongoing issue for decades. Between 1956 - 2005, the average Earth’s temperature rose .13 degrees Celsius per decade (Amadeo, par. 1). Not only did the average temperature of the climate increase, but the average temperature of the ocean increased as well. Ever since 1978, the ice caps have been melting at a rate of 2.7% per decade (Amadeo, par. 2). Climate change has been a constant reminder of our planetary warming. Even though these problems have been present for so long, people are not realizing the gravity of this issue. Global warming and sea level rise are not only causing the climate to change; they are also negatively affecting organisms and habitats, the economy, and various coastal regions. It is undeniable that our planet is changing and getting warmer. The temperatures are rising; ice ca ps and glaciers are melting; sea levels are increasing, and natural disasters have been occurring more and more frequently. Years ago, scientists assumed that if planetary warming could be maintained below two degrees Celsius, perils such as sea level rise could be avoided (Carey, par. 1). However, it seems that this indication wasn’t exactly the case. Ongoing research suggests that three global feedback mechanisms seem to be pushing the earth into a more rapid period of climate change: altered oceanShow MoreRelatedGlobal Warming And The Rising Sea Levels1353 Words  | 6 Pagesfirst indicators of global warming when it was first discovered and discussed was the acknowledgment of rising sea levels. In many climate change and apocalypse movies the rising of the ocean is the downfall of the population of the planet. The topic about the rising sea levels was not always indisputable. When the topic of climate change was first brought up it was mostly known as global warming a nd connected to the greenhouse effect. The notion of oceans raising above sea level was once widely seenRead MoreThe Effects Of Global Warming On Earth1577 Words  | 7 Pagesthen heated up by the sun’s rays. Because of this, another phenomenon has come to be. It is known as global warming. Global warming is constant rise in the global average temperature near the surface of the earth. Although to some, global warming is nothing more than a myth, a rumor to scare the race into rethinking their selfish acts, but global warming is no myth. I believe that global warming is far from a myth, it is real and it is dangerous. The evidence is all around us. If you look to theRead MoreThe Alarming and Troublesome Global Warming Issue 1407 Words  | 6 Pages Global warming has been one of the most challenging problems our society has encountered and people dont acknowledge that our climate change is becoming worse as the time goes by. Climate change which is said to be the regu lar or ordinary weather in an environment consists of patterns like seasons and temperature. Climate patterns play such an important role in constructing an essential ecosystem, human economies and cultures that rely on them has raised the surface of the worlds oceans in recentRead MoreNegative Effects of Global Warming on Earth819 Words  | 4 Pagesharmful effects in some regions. Polar ice melting would become another major affect of global warming if it isn’t stopped which could cause problems for many lives on Earth not just human beings. Thesis Statement Global warming is a negative affect on Earth what it affects; are animals to become extinct including polar bears also many other animals, diseases to spread in areas never been/seen before, and sea level rising which could cause problems for living societies, and forest fires to its environmentRead MoreSave the Earth and Save Life Essay1102 Words  | 5 Pages Gabrielle and Sir David King). Global warming is affecting not only polar bears but also many other species that are going extinct. Habitats are destroyed and islands are invaded by the sea water, slowly sinking. Every living thing and environment on this earth is affected by global warming. However, many decide to ignore such facts and choose to believe that global warming will positively effects the earth, rather than destroying the it. Although global warming has been ignored by many people,Read MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effect On The Global Environment1144 Words  | 5 PagesGlobal warming has emerged as one of the most serious concerns for scientists and environmentalists in the 21st century. This is based on the negative impact of global warming, which is not limited to deforestation, drastic variations in climate, decline in output of global agricultural industry, degradation of ice sheets in Antarctic, decrease in ocean productivity, rise in sea levels, and increase in tornadoes, hurricanes and floods. The primary reason for global warming has been identified asRead MoreThe Threat Of Global Warming Essay1459 Words  | 6 Pagesbecoming warmer. When scientists add up all the heat warming the land, oceans, atmosphere, ice melting, earth is accumulating heat equivalent to four Hiroshima bombs worth of heat per second. Global warming is a serious issue faced by our world as there has been a significant increase in temperature over the years. But the article published by Dr. Mark Sircus on â€Å"Global Warming -largest science scandal in the history†refutes the theory of global warmi ng. Dr. Sircus states that there is no linkage betweenRead MoreIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change1404 Words  | 6 Pagesabout 90% of the use of fossil fuels worldwide to have a slim chance of stopping Global Warming. If the people have anything less than the percentage given, Global Warming will not stop. As of now Global Warming is a big issue throughout the world. Some say Global Warming is just a myth to scare people and it’s just a natural cause, but there is proof that Global Warming is a fact and that the main cause of Global Warming is anthropogenic causes or man-made. Man has overused the burning of fossilRead MoreWe Must Stop Global Warming878 Words  | 4 Pagesbeen a bit hotter outside lately? Have you seen on the news that sea levels are rising? Did you know global warming affects animals? Do you want to know a couple of things to do to help stop global warming? I want you to help stop global warming. You should help me stop global warming because if you continue global warming sea levels will rise more. You should also help stop global warming because records and research show that sea level has been steadily rising at a rate of 0.04 to 0.1 inches perRead MorePolar Ice Caps Melting1033 Words  | 4 Pagesbears are suffering from global warming. Because of rapid climate change in multiple areas around the globe, many organisms are unable to live in their normal habitat. They are unable to adapt to these new conditions as fast as they are changing. There are many effects of global warming that is affecting the livelihood of many animals and in this essay I will explain how the effects are hurting the earth’s population of animals. What is Global Warming? Global warming is a gradual increase in the
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