Friday, January 24, 2020
Explorations of Modernity and Excitement in Two Poems: The Teachers an
Poems- ‘The Teachers’ and ‘In Mrs Tilscher’s Class’ I am going to be comparing two poems, ‘The Teachers’ by Liz Lochhead and ‘In Mrs Tilscher’s Class’ by Carol Ann Duffy. The two poems talk about the same thing, which is teachers, but in different ways and the way that the poems' structures are created for the reader. Both the poems recall parts of their school days and talk about memories of teachers they once had. Carol Ann Duffy talks about her fond memories of a teacher she once had, saying about how playful her school day was, she uses ‘skittle of milk’ to describe the joy of being able to have milk, also, she relates many parts of the poems to toys, including her teacher, ‘Mrs Tilscher’, who made many of their lessons more playful and at the end of the day it would leave her happy. On the other hand Liz Lochhead concentrates on the description of what happened in school and the characters of her teachers. On lines 5- 6 she says ‘Wars were bad but sometimes necessary’, this could represent the fact that the poem was written during or after the war era, she could also be talking about classroom wars, for example ‘wars of the sexes’. She chooses to start the poem on a really dull note; this could be because she may not have felt any em otions towards her school life or her teacher and peers. This dreary start makes the rest of the poem bland, with no detail of emotions, leaving it plain and basic to the reader. In the first stanza of ‘In Mrs Tilschers Class’ Duffy, starts it with ‘You could travel up the blue Nile with your finger†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢, even though the blue Nile isn’t blue, its like she remembers the start of the day as being perfect, but whilst everyone knows that the water in the blue Nile is actually ... ...e last line of the poem would make us think even though they are going into a newer school habitat and age, they still are growing up and they will find out things that they never knew and are able to learn more even though that there are dangers on the way. Also the line could mean that they are now leaving Mrs Tilschers Class and now their lives may become dangerous without her. Overall, I think that both the poems are good, but Lochheads is lacking the excitement that school can bring. Both the poems are similar to each other, but ‘In Mrs Tilschers Class’ is more modern than ‘The Teachers’ which many have been set in the war era, meaning everything was in short supply during the school day. Lochheads poem doesn’t make you feel any emotion, but Duffys makes you feel what she is feeling as a child, which I think makes it a more interesting poem to read.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Indigenous Religions Essay
(1) In chapter 2, the textbook author uses various terms for â€Å"indigenous religions†: traditional, aboriginal, indigenous, tribal, nonliterate, primal, native, oral, and basic. Select four or five of these terms and discuss why you believe each of those terms is applicable to the religions covered in this chapter. (2) Why do so many indigenous religions have such a reverence for nature? Indigenous religions have such a reverence for nature because they have deep respect for Earth. It has strong spirit, and lots of item that could contain spirit. Mother Nature offered them so much land to love and to do a favor back in return and shows their love to her. Nature is a living energy to some people belief the same as people. The word indigenous refers to land and earth as well, which involved nature itself. (3) Discuss several of the sacred practices that are common in indigenous religions. Some several sacred practices that are common indigenous religions are that they do are having dances around the fire. They sometime huddle together and do some kind of sacrifices or ceremony to show their holy respect for their belief. (4) Discuss the state of indigenous religions today. Short Answer Questions (2 points each): (5) What is animism? (6) In general, what is the relationship between the human and animal worlds among indigenous religions? (7) How do indigenous religions, in general, select their â€Å"sacred spaces†? (8) How are ancestors viewed in most indigenous religions? (9) What â€Å"big events†in life are usually marked by ceremonies in indigenous religions? (10) What is a taboo? What are some examples of taboos in our modern culture, and are they religious or cultural in nature? (11) What is a shaman, and what role does the shaman play in indigenous religions? Shaman is a scholar who help guide people on their spiritual journey.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Global Warming And Sea Levels - 1992 Words
Throughout recent history, our planet’s climate and environment has slowly been changing due to the many effects of global warming. Unfortunately, global warming has been an ongoing issue for decades. Between 1956 - 2005, the average Earth’s temperature rose .13 degrees Celsius per decade (Amadeo, par. 1). Not only did the average temperature of the climate increase, but the average temperature of the ocean increased as well. Ever since 1978, the ice caps have been melting at a rate of 2.7% per decade (Amadeo, par. 2). Climate change has been a constant reminder of our planetary warming. Even though these problems have been present for so long, people are not realizing the gravity of this issue. Global warming and sea level rise are not only causing the climate to change; they are also negatively affecting organisms and habitats, the economy, and various coastal regions. It is undeniable that our planet is changing and getting warmer. The temperatures are rising; ice ca ps and glaciers are melting; sea levels are increasing, and natural disasters have been occurring more and more frequently. Years ago, scientists assumed that if planetary warming could be maintained below two degrees Celsius, perils such as sea level rise could be avoided (Carey, par. 1). However, it seems that this indication wasn’t exactly the case. Ongoing research suggests that three global feedback mechanisms seem to be pushing the earth into a more rapid period of climate change: altered oceanShow MoreRelatedGlobal Warming And The Rising Sea Levels1353 Words  | 6 Pagesfirst indicators of global warming when it was first discovered and discussed was the acknowledgment of rising sea levels. In many climate change and apocalypse movies the rising of the ocean is the downfall of the population of the planet. The topic about the rising sea levels was not always indisputable. When the topic of climate change was first brought up it was mostly known as global warming a nd connected to the greenhouse effect. The notion of oceans raising above sea level was once widely seenRead MoreThe Effects Of Global Warming On Earth1577 Words  | 7 Pagesthen heated up by the sun’s rays. Because of this, another phenomenon has come to be. It is known as global warming. Global warming is constant rise in the global average temperature near the surface of the earth. Although to some, global warming is nothing more than a myth, a rumor to scare the race into rethinking their selfish acts, but global warming is no myth. I believe that global warming is far from a myth, it is real and it is dangerous. The evidence is all around us. If you look to theRead MoreThe Alarming and Troublesome Global Warming Issue 1407 Words  | 6 Pages Global warming has been one of the most challenging problems our society has encountered and people dont acknowledge that our climate change is becoming worse as the time goes by. Climate change which is said to be the regu lar or ordinary weather in an environment consists of patterns like seasons and temperature. Climate patterns play such an important role in constructing an essential ecosystem, human economies and cultures that rely on them has raised the surface of the worlds oceans in recentRead MoreNegative Effects of Global Warming on Earth819 Words  | 4 Pagesharmful effects in some regions. Polar ice melting would become another major affect of global warming if it isn’t stopped which could cause problems for many lives on Earth not just human beings. Thesis Statement Global warming is a negative affect on Earth what it affects; are animals to become extinct including polar bears also many other animals, diseases to spread in areas never been/seen before, and sea level rising which could cause problems for living societies, and forest fires to its environmentRead MoreSave the Earth and Save Life Essay1102 Words  | 5 Pages Gabrielle and Sir David King). Global warming is affecting not only polar bears but also many other species that are going extinct. Habitats are destroyed and islands are invaded by the sea water, slowly sinking. Every living thing and environment on this earth is affected by global warming. However, many decide to ignore such facts and choose to believe that global warming will positively effects the earth, rather than destroying the it. Although global warming has been ignored by many people,Read MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effect On The Global Environment1144 Words  | 5 PagesGlobal warming has emerged as one of the most serious concerns for scientists and environmentalists in the 21st century. This is based on the negative impact of global warming, which is not limited to deforestation, drastic variations in climate, decline in output of global agricultural industry, degradation of ice sheets in Antarctic, decrease in ocean productivity, rise in sea levels, and increase in tornadoes, hurricanes and floods. The primary reason for global warming has been identified asRead MoreThe Threat Of Global Warming Essay1459 Words  | 6 Pagesbecoming warmer. When scientists add up all the heat warming the land, oceans, atmosphere, ice melting, earth is accumulating heat equivalent to four Hiroshima bombs worth of heat per second. Global warming is a serious issue faced by our world as there has been a significant increase in temperature over the years. But the article published by Dr. Mark Sircus on â€Å"Global Warming -largest science scandal in the history†refutes the theory of global warmi ng. Dr. Sircus states that there is no linkage betweenRead MoreIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change1404 Words  | 6 Pagesabout 90% of the use of fossil fuels worldwide to have a slim chance of stopping Global Warming. If the people have anything less than the percentage given, Global Warming will not stop. As of now Global Warming is a big issue throughout the world. Some say Global Warming is just a myth to scare people and it’s just a natural cause, but there is proof that Global Warming is a fact and that the main cause of Global Warming is anthropogenic causes or man-made. Man has overused the burning of fossilRead MoreWe Must Stop Global Warming878 Words  | 4 Pagesbeen a bit hotter outside lately? Have you seen on the news that sea levels are rising? Did you know global warming affects animals? Do you want to know a couple of things to do to help stop global warming? I want you to help stop global warming. You should help me stop global warming because if you continue global warming sea levels will rise more. You should also help stop global warming because records and research show that sea level has been steadily rising at a rate of 0.04 to 0.1 inches perRead MorePolar Ice Caps Melting1033 Words  | 4 Pagesbears are suffering from global warming. Because of rapid climate change in multiple areas around the globe, many organisms are unable to live in their normal habitat. They are unable to adapt to these new conditions as fast as they are changing. There are many effects of global warming that is affecting the livelihood of many animals and in this essay I will explain how the effects are hurting the earth’s population of animals. What is Global Warming? Global warming is a gradual increase in the
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