Friday, November 29, 2019
Biography of Artemisia I, Queen of Halicarnassus
Biography of Artemisia I, Queen of Halicarnassus Artemisia I of Halicarnassus (~520–460 BCE) was the ruler of the city of Halicarnassus at the time of the Persian Wars (499–449 BCE), As a Carian colony of Persia, Halicarnassus fought against the Greeks. The Greek historian Herodotus (484–425 BCE) was also a Carian, and he was born in that city during Artemisias rule. Her story was recorded by Herodotus and appears in the Histories, written in the mid-450s BCE. Known For: Ruler of Halicarnassus, naval commander in the Persian WarsBorn: ~520 BCE, HalicarnassusParents: Lygadimis and unknown Cretan motherDied: ~460 BCESpouse: Unnamed husbandChildren: Pisindelis INotable Quote: If thou art hasty to fight, I tremble lest the defeat of thy sea force bring harm likewise to thy land army. Early Life Artemisia was born probably about 520 BCE in Halicarnassus, near todays Bodrum, Turkey. Halicarnassus was the capital of the Carian satrapy of the Achaemenid Persian empire in Asia Minor during the reign of Darius I (ruled 522–486 BCE). She was a member of the Lygdamid dynasty (520–450 BCE) of rulers in the city, as the daughter of Lygadimis, a Carian, and his wife, a woman (unnamed by Herodotus) from the Greek island of Crete. Artemisia inherited her throne from her husband, whose name is not known, during the rule of the Persian emperor Xerxes I, also known as Xerxes the Great (ruled 486–465 BC). Her kingdom included the city of Halicarnassus and the nearby islands of Cos, Calymnos, and Nisyros. Artemisia I had at least one son, Pisindelis, who ruled Halicarnassus after her between ~460–450 BCE. Persian Wars When Xerxes went to war against Greece (480–479 BCE), Artemisia was the only woman among his commanders. She brought five ships of the 70 total sent to battle, and those five ships were forces with a reputation for ferocity and valor. Herodotus suggests that Xerxes selected Artemisia to lead a squadron to embarrass the Greeks, and indeed, when they heard about it, the Greeks offered a reward of 10,000 drachmas (about three years wages for a workman) for capturing Artemisia. No one succeeded in claiming the prize. After winning the battle at Thermopylae in August of 480 BCE, Xerxes sent Mardonius to talk to each of his naval commanders separately about the upcoming battle of Salamis. Artemisia was the only one who advised against a sea battle, suggesting that Xerxes instead wait offshore for what she saw as the inevitable retreat or attack the Peloponnese on shore. She was quite blunt about their chances against the Greek armada, saying that the rest of the Persian naval commanders- Egyptians, Cypriots, Cilicians, and Pamphylians- were not up to the challenge. While he was pleased that she provided a separate viewpoint, Xerxes ignored her advice, choosing to follow the majority opinion. Battle of Salamis During the battle, Artemisias found her flagship was being chased by an Athenian vessel and had no chance of escape. She rammed a friendly vessel which was commanded by the Calyndians and their king Damasithymos; the ship sank with all hands. The Athenian, confused by her actions, assumed she was either a Greek ship or a deserter, and left Artemisias ship to chase others. Had the Greek commander realized who he was chasing, and recalled the price on her head, he would not have changed course. No one from the Calyndian ship survived, and Xerxes was impressed at her nerve and daring, saying My men have become women, and my women, men. After the failure at Salamis, Xerxes abandoned his invasion of Greece- and Artemisia is credited with persuading him to make this decision. As a reward, Xerxes sent her to Ephesus to take care of his illegitimate sons. Beyond Herodotus That is all that Herodotus had to say about Artemisia. Other early references to Artemisia include the 5th century CE Greek physician Thessalus who spoke of her as a cowardly pirate; and the Greek playwright Aristophanes, who used her as a symbol of a strong and uppity warrior woman in his comic plays Lysistrata and Thesmophoriazusae, equating her with the Amazons. Later writers were generally approving, including Polyaenus, the 2nd century CE Macedonian author of Stratagems in War, and Justin, the 2nd century Roman empire historian. Photius, the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinopole, described a legend depicting Artemisia as having fallen hopelessly in love with a younger man from Abydos, and jumping off a cliff to cure the unrequited passion. Whether her death was as glamorous and romantic as that described by Photius, she was probably dead when her son Pisindelis took over the rule of Halicarnassus. Archaeological evidence of Artemisias relationship with Xerxes was discovered in the ruins of the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus by British archaeologist Charles Thomas Newton when he excavated there in 1857. The Mausoleum itself was built by Artemisia II to honor her husband Mausolus between 353–350 BCE, but the alabaster jar is inscribed with the signature of Xerxes I, in Old Persian, Egyptian, Babylonian, and Elamite. The presence of this jar in this location strongly suggests it was given by Xerxes to Artemisia I and passed down to her descendants who buried it at the Mausoleum. Sources A Jar with the Name of King Xerxes. Livius, October 26, 2018.Falkner, Caroline L. Artemesia in Herodotus. Diotima, 2001. Halsall, Paul Herodotus: Artemisia at Salamis, 480 BCE. Ancient History Sourcebook, Fordham University, 1998. Munson, Rosaria Vignolo. Artemisia in Herodotus. Classical Antiquity 7.1 (1988): 91-106. Print.Rawlinson, George (transl). Herodotus, The History. New York: Dutton Co., 1862.Strauss, Barry. The Battle of Salamis: The Naval Encounter That Saved Greece- and Western Civilization. New York: Simon Schuster, 2004.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Writing Dialogue In Accents and Dialect
Writing Dialogue In Accents and Dialect Writing Dialogue In Accents and Dialect Writing Dialogue In Accents and Dialect By Kate Evans Wen old man Rabbit say scoot, dey scooted, en wen ole Miss Rabbit say scat, dey scatted. Dey did dat. En dey kep der cloze clean, and day aint had no smut on der nose nudder. Uncle Remus A Story About Little Rabbits, Joel Chandler Harris. We have a long literary tradition of writing dialogue in accents and dialect. Mark Twain comes to mind, as a master of the written idiom. Dialect instantly gives characters authenticity and offers insight into their attitudes, background, and education. An accent allows the reader to use their sense of hearing and gives text depth and flavor. On the other hand, using dialects and accents is often a distraction. When accented words are spelled phonetically, they can frustrate and slow the reader down. If accents are inaccurate or inauthentic, they can stereotype or even insult. With all of these risks, writing dialects has largely gone out of fashion. So what is a writer to do instead? The first step would be to describe patterns of speech in prose. For example, her honeyed accent melted off of her tongue, slowly, sweetly, and with the same elongated syllables that her mama used. Already, the character has an established geographical place and a hint of her history. From then on, the reader can hear and even visualize the honeyed accent. Another tactic is to reflect dialect with commonly spoken words in commonly spelled ways. A writer could insert gonna for going to. The reader registers these words easily but the speech pattern can also convey information about the characters. Finally, a writer can pay close attention to phrases and idioms that pertain to a characters geographic location or time in history. Phrases, such as shes dumber than a bucket of hair, bless her heart, places someone in the American South. The craic is mighty, puts someone in modern day Ireland. When carefully researched and used advantageously, simple colloquial phrases can carry as much weight as paragraphs of complicated written dialect. While we dont want to lose the art of conveying speech patterns through the written word, in todays world, there are more subtle ways to illustrate character traits. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:45 Synonyms for â€Å"Food†Homogeneous vs. HeterogeneousDouble Possessive
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Antibodies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Antibodies - Essay Example It is used in the manufacture of unsaturated polyester resins and is used as solvent for surfactants, paints and cleaning agents1. It is also used as antifreeze for de-icing aircrafts at airports as it lowers the freezing point of water. Recent applications include use as a humectant and a preservative. It is used in cosmetics, pharmaceutical preparations and also in electronic cigars2. The structure of 1,2-Propanediol comprises of three carbons with a stereogenic center at the central carbon3. It exists in two racemic forms: S and R as shown in figure 1 below. Figure 1: Chemical structure (S and R form) of 1,2-propanediol 3 1,2-Propanediol as well as 1,3-Propanediol can be manufactured though bioengineered microorganisms. By turning on and off some genes, it is possible to make the microorganism overproduce a specific metabolic product. As shown in figure 2, the intermediate metabolism of Escherichia coli can be shifted to produce 1,2 and 1,3-propanediol using enzymes such as aldose reductase from rat lens, E. coli glycerol dehydrogenase and Klebsiella pneumoniae glycerol dehydrogenase and 1,3-propanedioloxidoreductase4. There are various biochemical pathways through which 1,2-propanediol can be produced. Figure 2: Metabolic pathway engineering of E. ... It was shown that E. coli can grow on the L-fucose and L-rhamnose deoxy sugars as sole carbon and energy sources resulting in the production of propanediol. The first instance of metabolic engineering to produce 1,2-propanediol was when Altaras and Cameron metabolically bioengineered the 1,2-propanediol pathway in E. coli7. In 1999, they reported that E. coli that overexpressed methylglyoxal synthase gene produced 1,2-propanediol. Expression of methylglyoxal synthase or glycerol dehydrogenase led to anaerobic production of around 0.25 g of 1,2-propanediol per liter. The yield was found to be higher both the enzymes were coexpressed7. The development After their first report of the production of 1,2-propanediol from metabolically engineering E. coli, Altaras and Cameron again in 2000 published another report. This time they reported enhanced production of 1,2-propanediol8. They investigated three methods. First method involved the elimination of lactate byproduct. The second method in volved the construction of a complete pathway from dihydroxyacetone phosphate – an intermediate of the glycolytic cycle. The third method involved bioprocessing improvements through fed-batch fermentation using the best bioengineered strains. They were able to successfully produced a final yield of 0.19 g of 1,2-propanediol per gram of consumed glucose. Many later studies have investigated the production of 1,2-propanediol by metabolically engineered bacteria. Berrios-Rivera, San and Bennett studied the effects of various cofactor manipulations on the production of 1,2-propanediol9. They used sugars that were similar to glucose and that can be fed into glycolysis for pyruvate production. The sugars used had different oxidation
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Business Plan for Indian Restaurant - Pearls Valley Restaurant Case Study
Business Plan for Indian Restaurant - Pearls Valley Restaurant - Case Study Example Considering the overall nature of the business, our new proposed business will be a sole propertiership and as such the business, as well as the owner, will remain the same person. A sole proper internship is also called sole trader in which all assets and liabilities of the business are the personal liabilities of the owners. A sole proprietorship will be easier to formulate with lesser legal complications as well as fewer regulations to follow. This makes the sole proprietorship a better and more manageable option to exercise for the achievement of overall intended objectives. It is also important to understand that a sole proprietorship is relatively easier to manage and the owner can take charge of many important issues himself with fewer expenses. The proposed name of our new business is Pearls Valley Restaurant which will be an Indian restaurant catering to the needs of Indian and Pakistani customers. Starting a new business is always a challenging task and requires considerable effort and investment to successful start the business. This, therefore, means that the entrepreneurs must not only put in their skills and efforts but also invest the required funds to initiate a successful business. What is also, however, critical to understand that in order to open the new business, it is important that a comprehensive preparation must be done so as to cover as much as ground as possible in order to cover the risks. The proposed name of our new business is Pearls Valley Restaurant which will be an Indian restaurant catering to the needs of Indian and Pakistani customers. This will be a small restaurant and as such the overall organizational structure of the proposed will be simple with owners managing the affairs of the business with relatively smaller input/help from employees involved in managerial activities.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Security Essentials DB 5.3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Security Essentials DB 5.3 - Essay Example Among the factors that influence that decisions made by law enforcement officers regarding crime prevention, include the nature of emergencies, the availability of community policing, the emergency response protocols and the activities of community management organizations. The nature of emergency dictates the type of prevention measure, which law enforcement officers can embrace. Laws regarding prevention must address each crime in its unique context. Community policing options can also shape the decision of the local law enforcement officers as the stakeholders implementing the initiative will have to work within boundaries. The presence of community management organization also influences the activities of individuals in the society. The legislation must incorporate their perspectives, as they can be instrumental in initiating behavior change. The integration of private security professionals in the prevention strategies is beneficial. Stakeholders can achieve this through availing of crime prevention resources to the private security officers. Secondly, while training the public officers, they should also involve the private professionals. Additionally, crime prevention strategies must outline and define functions performed by the private personnel. Lastly, the strategies must advocate increased liaison between the public security personnel and private staff. In conclusion, the alleviation of crimes today and in the future demands collaboration between the community, private security officers as well as public
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Breast Tumor Classification Using FFT based Fractal Analysis
Breast Tumor Classification Using FFT based Fractal Analysis B.MONICA JENEFER V.CYRILRAJ Abstract Breast cancer is formed by abnormal cells, it causes fast death among human and it is shapeless. The growth of the cancer is also fast and it should be removed from the earlier stage itself. In this study, we have introduced and implemented an FFT based fractal model to analyze the breast tumor and classify it as benign or malignant according to their shapes. The benign and malignant are different in contour and shape where benign have a smooth contour and macrolobulated shapes and malignant have rough contour and irregular shapes. In this study, the contours are classified using fractal based Fourier transform method. The magnitude and frequency based features are utilized for classification. This approach achieved 92% of accuracy in tumor classification using fractal based fourier transform. Keywords: Fractal Analysis, Breast Cancer, Background study A fractal is a mathematical object representing a fractional dimension [1] where fractal geometry is vocabulary of irregular shapes.Due to uncontrolled growth of the bad cells, breast cancer occurs in breast tissue [2]. Fractal analysis helps the clinical experts for pre-screening the breast cancer in earlier stage itself. Various shape based object detection and classification can be obtained mostly using the bounding box method in digital image processing. Since, the shape of the breast cancer has been irregular and it cannot be obtained by bounding method [3]. Malignancy associated changes in the breast cells are discussed for computing the distance between the tumor cells and non-tumor cells is an effective method for screening breast cancer [4, 5]. The main symptoms of breast cancer are increasing DNFA –[De Novo Fatty Acid] and cholesterol synthesis where it related to tumor growth and poorer prognosis [6, 7].Present studies are discussing about fractal geometry to genera te a sampling model for tumor appearance and its impacts. According to the wonderful growth of present researches in understanding the molecular mechanisms of cancer, most of the medical diagnosis is done by examining visual objects for radiological images, direct observation of tissues and microscopy of biopsy specimens and so on [1].These fractal model analyses are used to classify abnormality of medical images due to the structure or high indices of mitosis. This modeling method is one of the reproducible methods which helps to analyze the medical images with computational tools. Also fractal analysis is a morphometric measure of the shapeless structure of tumor growth.Various comprehensive reviews used and discussed mathematical models for medical image diagnosis, especially in pathology is currently appearing in the literature [8-16]. From the digital mammogram image, the shape of the benign tumor is round and smooth, but the shape of the malignant tumor is irregular and roughly bounded. This main difference is utilized to categorize the benign tumor and malignant tumor. The following Figure-1 depicts the morphological spectrum of the breast masses frequently seen in digital mammograms. Figure-1:(a). Round Benign (b). Lobulated benign (c). Malignant (d). Malignant Proposed Model Most of the medical image processing applications used fractal analysis and which is focused in various researches on the digital mammograms. In this study, it is experimenting using the FFT based fractal analysis and classifying the breast lesions. The complete flow of this study is depicted in Figure-2. Figure-2: Overall Flow of the Proposed Approach The structure of this study is described as given below, section-III discussed about the hybrid filter and its applications. Section-IV discussed about the basic information about the fractal analysis method. Section-V described about Fractals based or Fourier Transform method. Section-VI described about our experiment and results. Section-VI provides the conclusion about this study and suggestion for further enhancement work. Hybrid Filter The hybrid filter combines morphological filter with the Gabor filter for removing the noise from the mammogram image to improve the quality of the image. Morphological filter is a non-linear filter work based on the set theory rules and Gaussian filter is a linear filter work based on vectors and both are used to remove noise.The main motto of this hybrid filter is to completely remove various noises occur under different conditions in the image, to improve the performance of the proposed approach. Morphological filter can remove the noise on the contour of the image and Gabor filter remove the noise in the inside of the image. Morphological filter utilized various morphological transform using different structuring elements. In this study also, different morphological transform is tested while experimenting to improve the appearance of the contour. The morphological functions are defined as: (1) Where denotes the opening operation and denotes the dilation and denotes the morphological erosion operation. Device’s mechanism introduced two kinds of noise such as coherence and no-coherence noise. The Gaussian noise is represented by statistical noise, having a probability density function, which is called as a Gaussian distribution. The original pixel value in the image is changed from its inventive value by a minute amount in the Gaussian noise. Due to the central bound theorem, Gaussian distribution is generally can provide a good quality representation. The probability density function of a Gaussian random variable is given by: (2) Alternatively, a process is Gaussian if and only if for every finite set of indices in the index set (3) It is a multivariate Gaussian random variable. The Gaussian property can be formulated by using the features functions of random variables as:, such that (4) The hybrid filter can effectively remove all the noise in the mammogram image which can provide more accuracy in classification. Fractal Analysis There are various fractal analysis techniques are existing but most of the techniques follow power law basics. In the exisiting work [17], tumor growth was studied with the help of a model which says that the tumor is a rising tissues. Mathematical model and numerical simulations of this model were examined to obtain the macroscopic dynamics of the tumor growth. It experimented and well known that the growth of the tumor is proportional to the time [17] suggested from power law. It is also can be simulated using a one-dimensional (1D) CA model, shows the linear growth of the entire cells. From this, it is observed that in both the 1D and 2D cases, tumor diameter grows linearly according in terms of time.The dimension of the fractal model is estimated using various techniques such as sandboxes, bounding-box, Fourier spectrum and so on. When applying these techniques, the scaling relationships of the cells are obtained according to a power law relationship. The basic geometric objects can be understood by the Euclidean objects as lines, planes and circles. All the objects do not resemble the Euclidean objects. By utilizing the fractal geometry, it is easy to create models for nature objects and which can provide a better definition in various conditions. Mandelbrot [9] introduced the first fractal theory. The unique difference among the Euclidean and fractal geometry is the self similarity denoting by un-uniform scaling. The variance of the shape of the objects continuously varying in increasing or decreasing the size of the objects. It is clear that one of the problems in scaling is texture, and describing the texture also depends on scaling. Hence, this problem can be overcome by the fractal geometry of texture. The definition of Hausdroff-Besicovitch of the fractal dimension is described using the following equation (5). (5) Where is the self similar pieces 1/r is the magnificent factor. Since, the fractal dimension indicates the surface roughness, people always use the texture as fine, coarse, gained and smooth etc. Mostly the fractal dimension of an image can be estimated by the bounding-box, fractal Brownian motion and fractal interpolation method. In this study, the fractal of filtered contour of the breast tumors are analyzed and tested using FFT based methods. Fractal based Fourier Transform In this study, it is adopted that Fourier fractal methodology is used for classifying the tumors. The filtered contour is taken and fed as input for testing. The growth of the tumor is randomness and it is in certain degrees, complex irregular in shape. So that, the fractal analysis can give a good measure in order to measure the complex patterns than the traditional Euclidean geometry. In this study, the fractal dimension is measures using Fourier transform method. In our experiment the radical magnitude accusations are calculated and plot in the form of log-log magnitude plot for classifying the tumors. From the centroid to all directions, the magnitude variation is measured to compute the magnitude accumulation testing. The Fourier transforms and phase angle calculations are obtained using Equations (3) and 4) respectively. The filtered contour is defined in X-axis with M – mean value and it can be implemented as: (6) (7) In this study, the fractal dimension of the breast tumor is calculated according to the average slop variations of log-log magnitude plot. Also the log-log plot can be drawn among the magnitude accumulation in entire radial components and number radial components of the respective input images. The accurate and absolute values of average variations are more for malignant tumor than the benign tumors. Experiment and Results To experiment Fractal based fourier transform analysis method the matlab software is choosen to implement, due to its capability in image processing. In this study, it is considered that some of the available contours are the input for the experiment. For pre-processing the image, to remove, the higher order frequency components are taken as artifacts, the input contours are applied into hybrid filters. The result of the hybrid filter is separated into small segments with dissimilar radius length by dividing the contour uniformly in all directions. In our experiment, the contour is divided into 24 equal parts. Then the fractal dimension method using FFT is applied to extract shape variables in each segment. In our experiment, five contours are considered as the input, at five, three contours are the type of malignancy and the remaining contours belongs to the type of benign. The following Table-1 depicts the log-log magnitude plot and absolute values of the slop variations in terms of respective contour. After filtering the input contour it is divided into 24 segments in all the directions with equal radial distance and then the magnitude variation of all the directions is counted and accumulated for all the radial components. It is well known that the malignant tumor has more variations than the benign tumors. According to the accumulations of the magnitude variations the malignant tumors are having more variations than the benign masses. The fractal dimension is calculated using the log-log plot drawing method between the accumulations of magnitude variations and the number of radial components. The absolute value [a threshold value used for decision making] is drawn in the log-log plot to compute the average variation of the magnitude. To provide difference the slop, the colors used to plot are different. The absolute value of the average slop variation according to the threshold is used to classify the tumors. In this experiment, a threshold value is used for decision making, for tumor classification. The absolute value of the average slop difference is high for malignant and for the same value it is less for benign. From this scenario, it is observed that, the variations of magnitude accumulations in terms of number of radius are more for malignant tumor and small for a benign tumor. Table-1: Fractal Analysis based on FFT Tumor classification In most of the cases the average slope values are greater than the threshold values for our test images used in the experiment. Originally the test image 1 is the benign and the other images are the malignant images. Generally Image 4 is malignant image, but according to the average slop variations and threshold values it is defined as benign. In this paper, we experiment with 25 images[ but in table-1 only five images and their results are displayed]. Out of 25 it correctly classifies 23 images. From this experiment 92% of success rate. Conclusion and Future Enhancement The FFT based fractal analysis method is easy to implement and classify the tumors based on the shape of the tumors. In this study, from the experiment, FFT based fractal analysis method achieved 92% of the classification accuracy. Since this study can provide better results than the existing approaches. The accuracy can be improved in the future enhancement of this study. FFT based fractal analysis is one of the easiest methods and best software for doctors to prescribing the tumor and understand the tumor shapes accurately and fast. References [1].James W. Baish and Rakesh K. Jain, â€Å"Fractals and Cancer†, American Association for Cancer Research -2000. [2]. Breast cancer facts and figures [3]. 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Wednesday, November 13, 2019
north and south korea from (1953 to present) :: essays research papers
After the conclusion of Korean War in 1953 the North and the South became hostile to each other. During this period of confrontation which lasted till the seventies Beijing emerged as North Korea's closest ally. But, especially after the Sino-Soviet split Moscow competed for influence by providing arms to the Kim Il Sung regime. The United States felt concerned about the dangers of war damaging its key Asian ally Japan and encouraged South Korea to concentrate on economic development. With strong American support heavy Japanese investment and strong arm-military rule in Seoul, the South Korean economy began to boom. In the North the rule of Marshal Kim Il Sung continued uninterrupted through the seventies. However in South Korea General Park Chung Hee seized power in 1961 after Rhee's flight to Hawaii in 1960. Park was selected President in 1963, 1967 and 1971. By this time idea of reunification of North and South gained ground. As a result both the Koreas held talks in 1972 and 1979 on the peaceful unification of fatherland but no success could be achieved because South did not concede the withdrawal of foreign troops from its soil. Martial law was declared in the South in May 1980 when the students agitated for political reforms. The year 1984-85 witnessed resumption of talks for unification but these too did not go beyond a few dozen visits in either direction to see relatives. In 1988 the South Korea gained international prestige by hosting Olympic Games in Seoul. In September 1990 South Korea developed full diplomatic relations with Moscow and later on held Prime Ministerial Summit with North Korea. After the disintegration of USSR, North Korea could see it was under increasing pressure to capitulate to the South. Russian aid dried up and China wanted calm environment.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Foodservice Industry Essay
The foodservice industry is complex, fast growing, and ever changing. Many factors affects its growth and status, including socioeconomic conditions, demograpic shits, and the changing food habits and desire of the America people. Being alert to these changes will help foodservice managers adapt their operations to meet the demands of the times. Foodservices with similar characteristics are grouped as prticular types of production are grouped as particular types of production or operating system. Each of the four types of foodservice operating systems found united states today is described with its identifying features, advantages and disadvantages. The typical foodservic organizations that use each types are also identified. This description should provide a basis for managers to decide on the type of operation suitable for a particular situation. The system differ in where the food is preparedin relation to where it is served, the time span between preoparation and service, the forms of foods purchased, methods of holding prepared foods and the amount and kind of labor and equipment required. The types of foodservice system is conventional, ready- prepared, commisary and assembly system. Introduction of Conventional system As the name implies, the conventional system has been used traditionally throughout the years. Menu items are prepared in a kitchen in the same facility where the meals are served and held a short time, either hot and cold, until serving time. In earlier years all preparation, as well as cooking, took place on the premise, and foods were prepared from basic ingredients. Kitchen included a butcher shop, bakery,and vegetable preparation units. Over the year a modified conventional system has evolved because of labor shortages, high-labor costs, and the avaibility of new form of food. To reduce time and labor costs, foodservice managers began to purchase some foods with ‘’built-in’’ labor. Butcher shops, in which meats were cut from prime cuts, and bake shops are gone from the most ‘’conventional’’ kitchen today. Meats are now purchased ready to cook or portion controlled: bread and many bakery items are purchased from a commercial bakery or prepared fro mixes: and produceis available in prepeeled, cut, frozen, or canned forms, all of which reduce the amount of production and labor required on the premises. Foods with varving degreesof processing are now used in conventional foodservice systems. This system is most effective in situations and locales where the labor supply is adequate and of relatively low cost :where sources of the food supplies, especially raw foods, are readily available: and when adequate space is allocated for foodservice equipment and activities. Typical users of the conventional system are smaller foodservice operations such as independent restaurants, schools, colleges, hospital and health care facilities, homes for specialized groups, and in-plant eployee feeding. Advantages and disadvantages of conventional system The conventional system has many advantages. Quality control is considered of primary improtance. Through the menu, recepis, and quality of ingredients selected by the manager, the foodservice achives its individuality and standard of quality desired. It is not dependent on the availability and variety of frozen entrees and other menu items commercially prepared. This system is more adaptable to the regional, ethnic, nd individual preferences of its customers than is possible with other systems. From an economic standpoint, greater flexibility is possible in making menu changes to take advantages of good market buys and seasonal fluctuations. Also, less freezer storage space is required than with the other systems, and distribution costs are minimal, both of which save on energy use the costs. Disadvantages The conventional system produces an uneven, somewhat stressful workday caused by meal period demands. Because the menu differs each day, the workloads vary, making it difficult for workers to achieve high productivity. Skilled workers may be assigned tasks that could be completed by nonskilled employees just to feel their time between meals periods. When three meals a dayare served, two shifts of employees are required to cover the 12 to 15 hours or longer workday. Schedulling workers may be difficult with overlapping shifts.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Popular French Acronyms and Abbreviations
Popular French Acronyms and Abbreviations Lost in alphabet soup? Acronyms and abbreviations abound in French, especially in newspapers, on the news, and in political discussions. You might not be able to learn every French abbreviation and acronym, but you can get a good head start by memorizing this list of the most common ones. The ~ symbol indicates that the English equivalent is an approximation. AB agriculture biologique organic farming ADN acide dà ©soxyribonuclà ©ique DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) AEF Afrique à ©quatoriale franà §aise French Equatorial Africa AF allocations familiales ~ welfare, family allowance ALENA Accord de libre-à ©change nord-amà ©ricain NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) ANAEM Agence Nationale d'Accueil des Étrangers et des Migrations "National Agency for the Reception of Foreigners and Migration" ANPE Agence nationale pour l'emploi unemployment and job search agency AOC Appelation d'origine contrà ´là ©e guarantee of origin AOF Afrique occidentale franà §aise French West Africa API Alphabet phonà ©tique international IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) AR accusà ©/avis de rà ©ception return receipt requested, acknowledgement of receipt A.R. aller-retour round trip ASSEDIC Association pour l'emploi dans l'industrie et le commerce ~ agency for payment of unemployment BCBG bon chic bon genre preppy, Sloaney BD bande dessinà ©e comic strip BN Bibliothà ¨que nationale national library BNP Banque nationale de Paris large French bank BP boà ®te postale post office box BTP bà ¢timents et travaux publics public buildings and works sector BTS brevet de technicien supà ©rieur vocational training certificate bx bisous (at the end of a letter) ~hugs and kisses cd,cd c'estdire that is, i.e., I mean CAI Contrat d'Accueil et d'Intà ©gration agreement required of long-term visitors and residents of France CAP Certificat d'aptitude professionnelle required for employees who do not have a college degree CB carte bleue, carte bancaire debit card CCI Chambre de commerce et d'industrie Chamber of Commerce CCP compte chà ¨que postal postal checking account CDD contrat durà ©e dà ©terminà ©e job contract for a set duration CDI contrat durà ©e indà ©terminà ©e job contract for an indefinite duration CEDEX courrier d'entreprise distribution exceptionnelle ~ FedEx (early morning delivery service) CFA Communautà © financià ¨re africaine Community of French colonies in Africa which use a single monetary unit called the CFA franc CFP centre de formation professionnelle professional training center CGT Confà ©dà ©ration Gà ©nà ©rale de Travail ~ AFL-CIO (American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations) Cie compagnie Co. (company) CIO Centre d'information et d'orientation career advisory center CNED Centre national d'enseignement distance Number one distance learning organization in Europe CNR Centre national de recherche National research institute COB Commission des opà ©rations de Bourse stock exchange regulatory commission: ~ SEC (US), ~SIB (UK) COD complà ©ment objet direct direct object pronoun COI complà ©ment objet indirect indirect object pronoun CP cours prà ©paratoire ~ first grade CPE Contrat Premià ¨re Embauche controversial job reform provision introduced in 2006 CRS Compagnie rà ©publicaine de sà ©curità © riot police squad CSA Conseil supà ©rieur de l'audiovisuel French broadcasting regulatory body, ~FCC CUIO Cellule Universitaire d'Information et d'Orientation organization of university-level study and career counselors CV curriculum vitae ~ rà ©sumà © DAB distributeur automatique de billets cash dispenser (ATM limited to withdrawals) DALF diplà ´me approfondi de langue franà §aise ~ TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) DEA diplà ´me d'à ©tudes approfondies ~ PhD minus the dissertation DELF diplà ´me d'à ©tudes en langue franà §aise ~ TOEFL DES diplà ´me d'à ©tudes supà ©rieures ~ Master's degree DESS diplà ´me d'à ©tudes supà ©rieures spà ©cialisà ©es ~ Master's degree + one year internship DEST diplà ´me d'à ©tudes supà ©rieures techniques ~ Master's degree in technical subject DEUG diplà ´me d'à ©tudes universitaires gà ©nà ©rales ~ Associate degree DGSE Direction gà ©nà ©rale de la sà ©curità © extà ©rieure ~ CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), MI6 (Military Intelligence 6) DILF diplà ´me initial de langue franà §aise ~ TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) DK dà ©ca (apocope of dà ©cafà ©inà ©) decaf (decaffeinated) DOM-TOM Dà ©partements d'outre-mer et Territoires d'outre-mer former colonies which remain French territories DSK Dominique Strauss-Kahn French politician accused of sexual assault in 2011 DST Direction de la surveillance du territoire ~ CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), MI5 (Military Intelligence 5) DT diphtà ©rie, tà ©tanos vaccine against diphtheria and tetanus EDF Électricità © de France nationalized French electric company É.-U.É.-U.A. États-UnisÉtats-Unis d'Amà ©rique US (United States)USA (United States of America) FLN Front de libà ©ration nationale Algerian political party FLQ Front de la libà ©ration du Quà ©bec Revolutionary organization in Canada which resulted in the "FLQ crisis" of 1970. FN Front National Far right political party (Jean-Marie Le Pen) FNAC Fà ©dà ©ration nationale d'achats des cadres ~ Borders (megastore for books, music, movies, + electronics) .fr (pronounced point f r) internet country code for France GAB guichet automatique de banque ATM (automated teller machine) GDF Gaz de France nationalized French gas company GE Gentil Employà ©e (au Club Mà ©diterranà ©e) Club Med employee G.I.G.-G.I.C. grand invalide de guerre -grand invalide civile severely disabled veteran - severely disabled person (found on handicapped parking signs) GM Gentil Membre (au Club Mà ©diterranà ©e) Club Med member/guest Go giga octet GB (gigabyte) GO Gentil Organisateur (au Club Mà ©diterranà ©e) Club Med organizer h heure (telling time) o'clock Hadopi Haute Autorità © pour la diffusion des Å“uvres et la protection des droits sur Internet Anti-piracy policing authority HLM Habitation loyer moderà © low-income housing HS hors service out of order HT hors taxe tax not included, subtotal Ifop Institut franà §ais d'opinion publique French public opinion research institute INSEE Institut National de la Statistique et des Études Économiques national institute for statistics and economic studies IQF Invitation Quitter le Territoire order to a foreigner to leave France IVG interruption volontaire de grossesse abortion Jour J literally D-Day (6 June 1944), but can be used figuratively to mean "the big day" K7 cassette audio or video cassette - used in ads LCR Ligue Communiste Rà ©volutionnaire Trotskyist political party in France LEP lycà ©e d'enseignement professionnel vocational high school LlH Longueur, largeur, Hauteur lwh - length, width, height LO Lutte Ouvrià ¨re Trotskyist political party in France LOA location avec option d'achat leasing with the option to buy MEDEF Mouvement des Entreprises de France largest French job union MJC Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture Youth cultural center MLF Mouvement pour la libà ©ration de la femme French women's lib movement Mo mega octet MB (megabyte) MRAP Mouvement contre le racisme et pour l'amitià © entre les peuples French antiracism movement NAP Neuilly, Auteuil, Passy preppy, Sloany NDLR note de la rà ©daction editor's note NdT note du traducteur translator's note NF norme franà §aise approved French standard of manufacture, ~ seal of approval OGM organisme gà ©nà ©tiquement modifià © GMO (genetically modified organism) OLP Organisation de la libà ©ration de la Palestine PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) ONG organisation non gouvernementale NGO (non-governmental organization) ONU Organisation des Nations unies UN (United Nations) OPA offre publique d'achat takeover bid OS Ouvrier spà ©cialisà © unskilled or semi-skilled worker OVNI Objet volant non identifià © UFO (unidentified flying object) PACS Pacte civil de solidarità © legal alternative to marriage in France, with a provision for same-sex couples PAO publication assistà ©e par ordinateur desktop publishing PC poste de commandement HQ (headquarters) PC(F) Parti communiste (franà §ais) French Communist Party Pcc pour copie conforme certified copy PCV paiement contre và ©rification orpercevoir collect call (French on the phone) PDG prà ©sident-directeur gà ©nà ©ral ~ CEO (chief executive officer) PEE plan d'à ©pargne entreprise ~ 401k (except in France, the company puts in 3x the employee contribution) PEL plan d'à ©pargne logement ~ savings account for purchase of a home PIB produit intà ©rieur brut GDP (gross domestic product) PJ pià ¨ces jointes Enc. (enclosed in a business letter) PJ Police judiciaire ~ FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) PMA pays moins avancà ©s undeveloped countries PMU pari mutuel urbain OTB (off-track betting) PNB produit national brut GNP (gross national product) po pouce in. (inch) PS Parti socialiste Socialist Party; one of the three largest French political parties (Franà §ois Mitterrand, Sà ©golà ¨ne Royal) PT Parti des Travailleurs Trotskyist political party in France PTT Poste, Tà ©là ©communications et Tà ©là ©diffusion post office and telephone service P.-V. procà ¨s-verbal meeting minutesautomotive ticket or fine PVD pays en voie de dà ©veloppement developing countries qcm questionnaire choix multiple multiple choice test QG quartier gà ©nà ©ral HQ (headquarters), local pub R.A.S. rien signaler (informal) no problems/issues (e.g., on the condition portion of a car rental contract) RATP Rà ©gie autonome des transports parisiens Paris public transportation authority (mà ©tro and bus) rdc rez-de-chaussà ©e first floor (US), ground floor (UK) RER Rà ©seau express rà ©gional high speed train service between Paris + suburbs RF la Rà ©publique franà §aise the French Republic RIB relevà © d'identità © bancaire summary of bank information (for automatic payments) RMI revenu minimum d'insertion ~ minimum welfare payment, income support RN revenu nationalroute nationale GNP (gross national product)main road RPR Rassemblement pour la Rà ©publique French center-right political party; one of the three largest (Jacques Chirac) RSVP rà ©pondez s'il vous plaà ®t please respond (thus "please RSVP" is redundant) RTT rà ©duction du temps de travail reduction of working hours rv rendez-vous meeting, date SA socià ©tà © anonyme Inc. (incorporated), Ltd. (limited) SAMU secours d'aide mà ©dicale d'urgence ambulance SARL socià ©tà © responsabilità © limità ©e Inc., Ltd (limited liability company) SDF sans domicile fixe homeless (noun or adjective) Sida syndrome immunodà ©ficitaire acquis AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) SMIC salaire minimum interprofessionnel de croissance minimum wage SNCF Socià ©tà © nationale des chemins de fer franà §ais nationalized French train system SPA Socià ©tà © protectrice des animaux ~ASPCA (US), ~RSPCA (UK) SRM Socià ©tà © des rà ©dacteurs du Monde Society of Editors of Le Mondenewspaper SVP s'il vous plaà ®t please systà ¨me D le systà ¨me dà ©brouillard, le systà ¨me dà ©merder (informal) resourcefulness TEPA travail, emploi, pouvoir d'achat 2007 French fiscal package TGB Trà ¨s grande bibliothà ¨que nickname of the Bibliothà ¨que de France TGV train grande vitesse high-speed train TIG travaux d'intà ©rà ªt gà ©nà ©ral community service TNT tà ©là ©vision numà ©rique terrestretrinitrotoluà ¨ne national digital terrestrial television serviceTNT (trinitrotoluene) TPS tà ©là ©vision par satellite TV via satellite TTC toutes taxes comprises tax included TVA taxe sur la valeur ajoutà ©e VAT (value-added tax) UDF Union pour la dà ©mocratie franà §aise center-right French political party; one of the three largest (Franà §ois Beyrou) U.E. Union europà ©enne EU (European Union) U.L.M. ultra-là ©ger motorisà © ultralight (plane) UMP Union pour un Mouvement Populaire center-right French political party UNL Union Nationale Lycà ©enne national union for high school students URSAFF Union pour le recouvrement des cotisations de la sà ©curità © sociale et des allocations famiales Social Security UV unità © de valeur university course credit vf version franà §aise film dubbed into French vm version multilingue film with choice of sound and subtitles vovost version originaleversion originale sous-titrà ©e film shown in its original language with subtitles in French VTT và ©lo tout terrain mountain bike W.-C. water-closet bathroom, restroom (US); toilet, loo (UK) x fois (par exemple, 10x plus) times (for example, 10x more) X l'École Polytechnique nickname for top polytechnic school in Paris
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on How Democratic Is Andrew Jacksom
â€Å"How Democratic Was Andrew Jackson?†Andrew Jackson’s belief in Democracy was that all branches and agencies of the government must listen to and follow the wishes of the people. He wanted to change the way the country had been run before he took charge. He didn’t think that the people were really getting there fair say on things. Andrew Jackson was very Democratic because he wanted the people to have more say and power in the government, he wanted to extend our boundaries so that people could move more out west, and he wanted the national bank to be ran differently than it was. Andrew Jackson thought that our country wasn’t Democratic enough so when he campaigned he told the people that he will listen to them and do there will. He believed that the people in office before him did a terrible job of this. In the year 1816, the people chose presidential electors by legislature, and by the year 1832, most of the presidential electors were chose by the people except in one state only which was South Carolina. Then again in 1836, the presidential electors were chose by the people in all but one state which was once again South Carolina. (Document 1.) Then on December 8, 1829, in a letter to congress Jackson said, â€Å"In a country where offices are created solely for the benefit of the people, no one man has any more†¦right to (government jobs) than another.†This shows that he believes that any citizen of the country has a right to be in the government. The second reason that Andrew Jackson was Democratic was that he wanted to extend our country for the people. He wanted the Indians to move out west to what is now Oklahoma so more Americans could move off of the east coast and develop our country more. A lot of people today say that this was a terrible dictator thing to do, but really it wasn’t he told them that they could stay in the condition that they obeyed our laws. (Document 8.) He also paid the Indians who decided ... Free Essays on How Democratic Is Andrew Jacksom Free Essays on How Democratic Is Andrew Jacksom â€Å"How Democratic Was Andrew Jackson?†Andrew Jackson’s belief in Democracy was that all branches and agencies of the government must listen to and follow the wishes of the people. He wanted to change the way the country had been run before he took charge. He didn’t think that the people were really getting there fair say on things. Andrew Jackson was very Democratic because he wanted the people to have more say and power in the government, he wanted to extend our boundaries so that people could move more out west, and he wanted the national bank to be ran differently than it was. Andrew Jackson thought that our country wasn’t Democratic enough so when he campaigned he told the people that he will listen to them and do there will. He believed that the people in office before him did a terrible job of this. In the year 1816, the people chose presidential electors by legislature, and by the year 1832, most of the presidential electors were chose by the people except in one state only which was South Carolina. Then again in 1836, the presidential electors were chose by the people in all but one state which was once again South Carolina. (Document 1.) Then on December 8, 1829, in a letter to congress Jackson said, â€Å"In a country where offices are created solely for the benefit of the people, no one man has any more†¦right to (government jobs) than another.†This shows that he believes that any citizen of the country has a right to be in the government. The second reason that Andrew Jackson was Democratic was that he wanted to extend our country for the people. He wanted the Indians to move out west to what is now Oklahoma so more Americans could move off of the east coast and develop our country more. A lot of people today say that this was a terrible dictator thing to do, but really it wasn’t he told them that they could stay in the condition that they obeyed our laws. (Document 8.) He also paid the Indians who decided ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Define Global Governance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Define Global Governance - Essay Example These factors are very common and can never be downplayed by the champions of global governance. It is like this: A father or an elderly person is the head of a family where all members of it should generally go by the word of the former. But practically, you would find different perceptions even in a family on issues of importance as each and every member of family seeks individuality in conducting his / her own affairs. This is because as we find different mentalities and opinions on part of individuals. This situation can be extended to a global village where all nations are expected to adhere to the directives of the global governing body irrespective of its nature. Even in a country where all state or provincial governments are guided and controlled by a single federal government, we find differences and quarrels over sharing of river waters and other petty issues. In most of the countries, governments have been facing separatist agitations or movements for some reason or the ot her. The sole reason for this situation is that no one agrees with the other on issues of prime importance. In such a situation, we cannot expect all nations to go by one single commanding entity on several issues at the international level. A recent example is North Korea which defied the world nations and test fired seven missile launches that could carry nuclear warheads. It jolted the entire world and the USA was the first country to react in a threatening manner. North Korea's immediate neighbor Japan also lost no time in calling for an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council to discuss the issue (Marquand, 2006). We must not undermine the argument of North Korea that the US has no business to question its missile program as it had tons and tons of nuclear missiles and warheads on the American soil. This argument is not without reason and most surprisingly, neither the UN nor any other global governing body supervising the nuclear arms proliferation supported the logical North Korean argument. The USA has a clear responsibility to answer the North Korean claim in a convincing manner. When the global governing agencies like the UN and the International Atomic Energy Commission succeed in obtaining an answer from t he USA that convinces the North Korean Government that could only be the first step in the right direction towards achieving global governance for all practical purposes! Bibliography to be included in journals section Marquand, Robert 2006, 'Korea's missile salvo to world', Christian Science Monitor, July 06 edition.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Mental models Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Mental models - Essay Example Basically, these mental models are ideas and beliefs that people instinctively or intentionally acquires from their experiences and which consequently influence their behavior and mindset (Uitdewilligen, Waller, & Pitariu, 2013). These images of recognized reality inform individuals of cause and effect, and push them to predict specific outcomes, interpret occurrences, and prompt them to act in specific ways. However, mental models can be both an advantage and a disadvantage, particularly with regard to perceiving other people. This essay discusses how mental models both assist and limit an individual’s perception of people they will meet for the first time. Individuals all have assumptions about other people. These assumptions guide individuals in a variety of ways. They assist individuals in anticipating and interpreting the behavior of other people. Assumptions about others are also helpful when an individual has to give a description of another person. Yet, the main import ance of a mental model is its capacity to help individuals conduct their interactions with other people (Young, 2011). People’s assumptions about other people have significant impact in their daily lives. ... In the real world, people obviously do not have the luxury of time to get to know all the people they meet personally. According to Senge (2010), mental models help individuals make decisions and anticipate how other people will act in specific circumstances instantly. The usefulness of mental models becomes pronounced in a culturally diverse organization (Matteson, 2013). For instance, a senior executive in a multinational company is urgently looking for a new project manager. The applicants come from different racial backgrounds, and the senior executive is assigned to interview each of these applicants. He is meeting all these applicants for the first time. His mental models of various racial groups will definitely influence his choice. These mental models will guide his decision of who to hire for the position of project manager. Mental models are valuable tools in unfamiliar situations and circumstances requiring quick decisions. These mental models can also be useful in instanc es where an individual will be meeting another person from a different culture. These mental models may guide an individual’s behavior or attitude toward another person. Having an assumption of one’s culture helps create a meaningful and respectful interaction between individuals of different cultures (Lundquist & Jarvella, 2000); for instance, if person A, an Australian, will meet person B, a Japanese, for the first time it would be helpful if person A assumes that Japanese, unlike Australians, are not straightforward people. This assumption will help person A conduct a harmonious, polite conversation with person B. Even in business negotiations, mental models of individual characteristics and culture may help resolve conflict and make personal and cultural
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